REALLY good signal booming into here. I tuned in at 0005 UTC, just in time to hear the "X-FM is on the air" ID, followed by a montage of "drops" mixed with music.
0007 UTC: "Russian Radio" by Red Flag
0010 UTC – RedHat saying it's "good to be back again" and talking about Halloween night and the bad propagation that night. Also giving shoutouts to all of us here on the board and talking about his technical challenges and what he plans to play.
0018 UTC - Gave his email address for requests, then played ID
0019 UTC - "Sledgehammer" by Peter Gabriel
0024 UTC - ID, then "I Think I'm Paranoid" by Garbage. I just did a test on my radio and disconnected my external antennas, and the signal's still pretty good just with the whip antenna.
0029 UTC - ID, gave email address again, then "Devil's Dance Floor" by Flogging Molly
0033 UTC – ID, then RedHat chatting into "Tighten Up" by The Black Keys
0037 UTC – "London's Calling" by The Clash (yes, this was my request, and if you listened closely enough, now you know my real first name. Thanks for the music, X-FM!)
0040 UTC - "Edge of the Earth" by 30 Seconds to Mars. Fading has increased here the past few minutes, but the signal's still peaking strongly.
0045 UTC - RedHat IDed the song, gave time and chatted a bit, said his phone’s messed up, read more posts from the HFU board and gave shoutouts.
0050 UTC – "It's My Life" by Talk Talk. I was a dope; I've been listening all this time in USB. Now switched to AM, and it sounds VERY good!
0054 UTC – Recorded ID: "Rocking your dial … X-FM!", then RedHat intro'd "Pray to God" by Calvin Harris
0058 UTC – Recorded ID straight into "Criminals" by MS MR
0102 UTC – RedHat talked about the past few songs, gave email address again and then talked about the music he likes playing and the sameness of commercial radio and pop music (something I agree with).
0110 UTC - During the music, the signal took a HUGE dive and now, at 0116 UTC, it's just barely audible above the noise here, even in USB mode.
0131 UTC - I checked back and heard RedHat talking. The signal's further above the noise than it was 20 minutes ago and it seems to be making a comeback, but still no better than barely fair reception right now.
0210 UTC - Checked back again to hear "Walking on the Moon" by The Police. The audio sounds great at its peaks, but the deep fades that showed up an hour ago still are killing the signal here.