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Author Topic: Al, how are we set on drone blinds?  (Read 1937 times)

Offline Pigmeat

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Al, how are we set on drone blinds?
« on: January 03, 2020, 1018 UTC »
I say we go out to Colorado and knock down a few of these mystery drones. A few dead eyed He-Men like ourselves firing .30-06's in volleys should take down dozens of the slow moving things in a couple of hours. I bet whatever is piloting the things tastes just like chicken.

America is lucky we're on it's side.

Offline Pigmeat

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Re: Al, how are we set on drone blinds?
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2020, 2057 UTC »
Just as I figured, when the goin' gets tough, Al get goin'.


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Re: Al, how are we set on drone blinds?
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2020, 0620 UTC »
Personally I prefer something like a goose gun and at least #4 shot; it's hard to hit a moving target with a .30-06.

My nephew told me a while back that his crew has had problems with drones flying overhead at just about every fire he's been on. It keeps the tankers and helicopters grounded, and Lord knows when one will drop out of the sky and land on a firefighter's head, maybe even deliberately. It should be open season on drones.

Offline Josh

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Offline Pigmeat

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Re: Al, how are we set on drone blinds?
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2020, 0037 UTC »
Personally I prefer something like a goose gun and at least #4 shot; it's hard to hit a moving target with a .30-06. It should be open season on drones.

The Colorado and Nebraska drones are flying at roughly 400 ft. Even my old 12 gauge Winchester "Long Tom" with it's 44 inch barrel won't reach out that far. That's why we're firing at the formation flyin' fiends with .30-06 in volleys. Women and kids can use .240 varmint guns to get in on the fun.

Offline Pigmeat

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Re: Al, how are we set on drone blinds?
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2020, 1858 UTC »
We could try those old black powder Chesapeake goose guns they used in punts to fire nets over entire flocks of Canadian geese, but how would we do it w/o ruining our trucks? The barrels on those thing can run 14 feet long or more. LMK what you've got in mind? I saw video footage of things last night, they're slow. We might want to go with BAR's to liven things up. Drive 'em low with BAR's and "Kaboom!" with the goose guns.

BTW, is the wireless speed and coverage at the CES up to the standards needed by your Jitterbug?

Offline Josh

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Re: Al, how are we set on drone blinds?
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2020, 1707 UTC »
Just heard them drones been dronin roun' these parts. A fleet of 6 was momentarily visiting each home in turn, in a v formation. Revenooers or somesuch.
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