DW's battery is dying. I've been watching the telemetry for a few weeks now and noticed the battery voltage was not as robust at night and was trending lower and lower before dawn. It seemed to charge normally during the day so that part of the box appears to be working. Then it seemed to start shutting down in the hours before dawn. Shutdown occurs somewhere just below 12.6 volts. Some time after sunrise it will restart and the first telemetry numbers indicate 13.0 volts and a little under 1/2 Amp of charge current. It appears to have some sort of repeatable disconnect/reconnect sequence in it's program? Lately it is shutting down earlier and earlier in the evening as the voltage dips towards 12.5 volts but always seems to restart soon after dawn. Signal strength seems to be normal while it is running. Just now it restarted at 7:09 AM PST