HFU HF Underground
Loggings => North American Shortwave Pirate => Topic started by: ~SIGINT~ on August 13, 2022, 0057 UTC
BallSmacker Radio 6960.0 kHz AM 00:57 UTC 13 AUGUST 2022
00:57 UTC - Carrier is up; solid S8 ~ S9 with some QRM on the USB side, 8 kHz wide;
00:58 UTC - Interval signal;
01:00 UTC - Broadcast begins;
02:30 UTC - SSTV;
02:32 UTC - Interval signal;
02:33 UTC - End of broadcast.
Monitoring also available via the live stream: BallSmacker Radio (https://ballsmacker.net/)
RSPduo | End-fed longwire antenna
Carrier Up
Wildfire Interval
Goodevening Ham Samiches
Ballsmacker Radio Id
01:00 What's Up 4 Non Blondes
01:05 Stood Up The Late Rick Nelson...Son of Ozzie and Harriett Ozzie was a bigband leader in the 40s and 50s
01:06 Tangled Up in the Blue Robert (Bob Dylan) Zimmerman of Hibbing, Minnesota
01:12 All Shook Up Elvis Preseley The King of Rock and Roll
Ballsmacker Radio ID
01:14 Caught up in You 38 Special 38 special is the name of a small revolver handgun
How about Up in smoke Cheech and Chong?
Up, Up, and away? The 5th Dimension?
Up on the Roof The Drifters?
Uptown Girl Billy Joel?
01:19 When I grow Up The Beach Boys from Southern California. Leaders of the early 60s surf scene
Proton Addy Given for theme and Reception Report
01:21 Pick up the Pieces Average White Band
01:24 Breaking Up is hard to do Neil Sedaka...In the mid seventies, Neil put out this song in a slow ballet version
Ballsmacker ID
01:27 Up on Cripple Creek The Band
01:31 Wake Up Little Susie The Brothers Everly Classic 50s oldie
01:34 Word Up Cameo
01:37 Leaving it all Up to you? Dale and Grace Donni and Marie Osmond did a version of this in the early seventies
Ballsmacker Radio ID
01:39 Up around the Bend The CCR
Get up and Boogie The Silver Convention
You did that on purpose! lol Lets burn up some polyester shirts?
Nothing But the hits Radio ID
1:46 Clean Up Woman Bettg Wright
1:48 Wake me up Wham featuring George Michael
01:53 Woke Up With Wood ZZ Top
01:56 Up on the Roof The Drifters A later version
Proton Mail addy given for theme and reception Report
01:29 Hold your head Up Argeny
02:02 Up Up and away! The 5th Dimension...Drug music..Up Up and Away lol You can fly after smoking that blunt
02:05 Don't Give Up on Us Baby Hurlllllllllllling! Raaaaaaaalllllllllllppppppphhhhhhhhhh!!
Is the bleeding stopped???
02:08 Uptight Stevie Wonder Pioneer of Motown
02:12 Start Me Up The Rolling Drunk Stones...Saw the Start Me Up Tour in Philadelphia at Veteran'a.s Stadium in 1982 I think it was
02:15 Build me Up Buttercup
Somebody else trying to overpower you Ballsmacker?
Ballsmacker Radio ID
OK you have the Frequency again by yourself
02:18 Tighten Up Archie Bell
02:21 Going up the Country The Canned Heat Song played at Woodstock Festival
02:24 Stir it Up Johnny Nash
02:27 Pump it Up Elvis Costello Good choice! You have redeemed youreselves
Late punk/New Wave
057- Carrier detected. Sounds very solid.
058- Wildfire (a yacht rock classic) interval signal.
059- Recorded YL ID over tune.
059- "What's Up?" by 4 Non Blondes.
104- "Stood Up" by Ricky Nelson.
signal S9+ on the SDR in Fair Hill, Maryland
00.58 piano
01.00 ID
01.00 song "What's Up?"
01.04 song "Stood Up"
01.06 ID
01.06 song "Tangled up in Blue"
01.12 song "All Shook Up"
01.14 ID
01.14 song "Caught Up in You"
0100 "What's Up" - 4 Non Blondes S9+ with annoying buzz saw QRM in the back ...
Tuned in at 0100 utc on Brookfield WI sdr with fair S9 to S9+15 signal, heard piano IS and ID announcement then slow song sung by woman, at 0112 Elvis Presley "all shook up", various songs with word "up" in them, at 0131 Everly Brothers "wake up little Suzie", at 0200 utc also tried Normal IL and Barrington Hills IL sdr's but they were much weaker, same with St. Michel des Saints QC sdr, nice program, thanks, at 0230 SSTV/FAX, sign off announcement, piano IS then off air.
0100 "What's Up " 4 Non Blondes
0105 "Stood UP " Ricky Nelson
01:01 UTC S9 + AM Like a Ham Sandwhich OL BS (Ball smacker) Announcement.
0104 UTC SIO 545, S9 with QRN and QRM
0105 "Stood Up" Ricky Nelson
0109 "Tangled Up In Blue" Bob Dylan
0112 "All Shook Up" Elvis Presley
0114 ID Ballsmacker Radio- Then into song " Caught Up In You" 38 Special
0127 Prop changing, large fades into the noise
0127 "Up On Cripple Creek" The Band
0105 UTC: Good signal Country and Western song into station ID.
0100 utc SINPO 43333
0100 utc what's up
0104 utc stood up
0106 utc tangled up in blue
0112 utc all shook up
0114 utc caught up in you
0119 utc when I grow up
0124 utc breaking up is hard to do
0127 utc up on cripple creek
0130 utc wake up susie
0134 utc word up
0137 utc leaving it up to you
0139 utc up around the bend
0142 utc get up and boggie
0146 utc clean up woman
0149 utc wake me up before you go go
0153 utc woke up with wood
Great show tonight!! 😊
Up on the roof
Hold your head up
Up up and away!!
Don't give up
Start me up
Build me up
20+ over 9 here in cny , minor qsb, good audio on am.. rock on
S9+40 with the K3FEF KiwiSDR.
0114 UTC-Caught Up In You by 38 Special
0216 UTC-Another station underneath ballsmacker?
Barely audible tonight. Weak signal deep in noise floor.
S9+ and sounding great! Thanks for the show!
S9+ on lsb. Too much static on AM in my location in south central NY. When I grow up by Beach Boys on now.
0122 - Pick up the Pieces - The Average White Band
0124 - Breaking Up is Hard to Do - Neil Sedaka S-9
0127 - Up on Cripple Creek - The Band
Ballsmacker Radio coming in with signal of S7 and just above the noise floor. A bit tough to dig out. Thanks for the show. I'm getting more and more as time goes on.
Started listening at 0218z
Signals 59 peaking +20db no static
0218z Tighten Up
Going Up the Country
Stir it Up
Pump it Up
SSTV S2 Image
40M EFHW Inv Vee SouthEast MI
Poor signal, sadly.
This is the mediocre image that I managed to grab... I gotta work on my noise issues! smdh...
(https://i.postimg.cc/sX1zHsRW/Ballsmacker20220813.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)