HFU HF Underground

General Category => Amateur Radio => Topic started by: Charlie_Dont_Surf on May 31, 2023, 0430 UTC

Title: Ham Operator Faces Fine for Disruptions to WARFA Net
Post by: Charlie_Dont_Surf on May 31, 2023, 0430 UTC
This is the same net that the (now former) W6WBJ* used to (still does?) jam.

https://www.radioworld.com/news-and-business/business-and-law/ham-operator-faces-fine-for-disruptions-to-warfa-net (https://www.radioworld.com/news-and-business/business-and-law/ham-operator-faces-fine-for-disruptions-to-warfa-net)

I'm genuinely surprised to see the enforcement. Things got so bad that the WARFA Net webpage has a link to the FCC complaint inquiry form: https://www.warfa.org/ (https://www.warfa.org/)

* William Crowell, ex-W6WBJ ("World's Best Jammer"), finally had his license denied renewal in 2020, after a long saga.

Sidenote: Some wiseass thought it would be funny to get Crowell's old callsign as a vanity callsign. (I actually heard that guy using that callsign last year.) However, he was probably getting a lot of hell for it, since Crowell's infamous antics were despised throughout the west. It looks like it was terminated 12 days later (https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/licenseAdminSum.jsp?licKey=4676357 (https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/licenseAdminSum.jsp?licKey=4676357)) and that person reverted to his previous vanity callsign.

Title: Re: Ham Operator Faces Fine for Disruptions to WARFA Net
Post by: PIGS KNUCKLES on June 07, 2023, 0025 UTC
Good, he was probably jamming OMIK also, seems racially motivated. All those guys were fun to work and friendly, geez its called the friendship net and I think some ministers run it, glad he got caught, there is no room in ham radio for that   
Title: Re: Ham Operator Faces Fine for Disruptions to WARFA Net
Post by: MDK2 on June 28, 2023, 0054 UTC
Ironically his QRZ page claims he's not active on the air anymore. No idea if it has said that while he was jamming or if it's a recent edit.
Title: Re: Ham Operator Faces Fine for Disruptions to WARFA Net
Post by: Jack Haden on July 03, 2023, 0939 UTC
Excuse my ignorance, what does "WARFA" stand for?
Title: Re: Ham Operator Faces Fine for Disruptions to WARFA Net
Post by: Stretchyman on July 03, 2023, 1434 UTC
Google is your friend, or maybe not??!!

Title: Re: Ham Operator Faces Fine for Disruptions to WARFA Net
Post by: MDK2 on July 04, 2023, 1202 UTC
Excuse my ignorance, what does "WARFA" stand for?

Western Amateur Radio Friends Association. A group of hams who have been hassled by other hams for likely racist reasons.

Google is your friend, or maybe not??!!


In my opinion HFU isn't the place for such rudeness. Either be helpful or be quiet.
Title: Re: Ham Operator Faces Fine for Disruptions to WARFA Net
Post by: Charlie_Dont_Surf on July 14, 2023, 1938 UTC
Excuse my ignorance, what does "WARFA" stand for?

It's right in the page of the link provided (https://www.warfa.org (https://www.warfa.org)/):

Title: Re: Ham Operator Faces Fine for Disruptions to WARFA Net
Post by: KandiKlover on July 30, 2023, 0122 UTC
Oh boy. WBJ used to be a riot back in the 7255/3840 days. I haven't heard him in a while, occasionally have heard mention of him. Made for a great listen when there was nothing else to do during work.


Youtube embed doesn't seem to work on this site.
Title: Re: Ham Operator Faces Fine for Disruptions to WARFA Net
Post by: Stretchyman on July 30, 2023, 1204 UTC
Apologies if 'humour' doesn't cross the pond!


Title: Re: Ham Operator Faces Fine for Disruptions to WARFA Net
Post by: Polar Bear on August 29, 2023, 1755 UTC
Excuse my ignorance, what does "WARFA" stand for?

We Are Retxxded F'n Azholes.

Mike and I wrote letters to the FCC pleading for assistance / enforcement of W6WBJ and got it.

One week after Crowell was removed from the air, the WARFA people told Mike - we don't need your help anymore, you aren't BLACK, please go away, this is our net.
Title: Re: Ham Operator Faces Fine for Disruptions to WARFA Net
Post by: KandiKlover on August 30, 2023, 0845 UTC
Excuse my ignorance, what does "WARFA" stand for?

We Are Retxxded F'n Azholes.

Mike and I wrote letters to the FCC pleading for assistance / enforcement of W6WBJ and got it.

One week after Crowell was removed from the air, the WARFA people told Mike - we don't need your help anymore, you aren't BLACK, please go away, this is our net.

Wewww some autistic fantasty LARPing you got going on there big boy 10-fo! Don't blow you space cadet hat off now when you try talking to mars on them radios later. CQ CQ 74s
Title: Re: Ham Operator Faces Fine for Disruptions to WARFA Net
Post by: Teotwaki on September 09, 2023, 1559 UTC

We Are Retxxded F'n Azholes.

Mike and I wrote letters to the FCC pleading for assistance / enforcement of W6WBJ and got it.

One week after Crowell was removed from the air, the WARFA people told Mike - we don't need your help anymore, you aren't BLACK, please go away, this is our net.

Sounds weird. Was that in writing or on the air? I have a WARFA net control op that lives in my neighborhood and I've never been told that I can't join in and talk because I'm the wrong color. Either way, KUDOS for helping to get WBJ out of the ham radio ranks. It was still worth your time.
Title: Re: Ham Operator Faces Fine for Disruptions to WARFA Net
Post by: net control on November 07, 2024, 0746 UTC
Polar Bear must be one of the bad guys. Maybe Crowell himself. WARFA has never said anything like that to anyone. All have been welcome for the 20 years that they have been on the air. He also most likely had nothing to do with getting the jamming stopped. Just listen to them yourself! 3908 on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights. 8 pm Pacific time