HFU HF Underground

Loggings => European Pirates and Private Stations => Topic started by: Ray Lalleu on June 29, 2023, 1720 UTC

Title: Radio Avia 6280 AM 1717 UTC 29 JUN 2023
Post by: Ray Lalleu on June 29, 2023, 1720 UTC
on 6279.92
1717 DJ, oldie, "Come on everybody", 1721 Chuck Berry, 1724 Little Richard

(1834 gone)

ID from logs of ukdxer and Achim
Title: Re: UNID 6280 AM 1717 UTC 29 JUN 2023
Post by: kris on June 29, 2023, 1738 UTC
1735 S9 faded   unreadable music - hard rock
1828 DJ E ID no catch poor signal, thanks  bye bye
1830 TX off