HFU HF Underground

Loggings => North American Shortwave Pirate => Topic started by: rdla4 on July 05, 2013, 0121 UTC

Title: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: rdla4 on July 05, 2013, 0121 UTC
Strong Am signal, good audio. Playing REM at 0120, S9+10

XFM Turntable test.....and then off at 0124

Carrier is back at 0128
Title: Re: 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: RCCI on July 05, 2013, 0124 UTC
01:22 Hearing REM - signal fairly good S4-S5 - audio a bit low.
01:28 more music
03:31 clear ID
03:40 God Bless the USA - Lee Greenwood  OFF at 03:42

Thanks for the Show!
Title: Re: 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: Mentholyptus on July 05, 2013, 0124 UTC
Just heard the ID @ 0133, but couldn't copy it
0137, Coming in better, noisy S8, poor copy.
0141, speech, music very phased
0149, slightly better, but really in & out
0155, ID & Don McLean - American Pie
-- you can't say I'm not trying!!  :^)  --

Gotta go to work! Thanks XFM for the tunes!!
Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: glimmer twin on July 05, 2013, 0129 UTC
I have him  good on my sat 750 with just the whip antenna. S9+10
Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: Echo_One on July 05, 2013, 0133 UTC
Bearly audible in the UK at 0132 UTC with the Grundig Concertboy of mine - un-modded, I'd like to add!

Picked up enough to go to AM mode at 0200 UTC whilst playing American Pie. Not sure if anyone else got him in AM.

Talking by XFM around 0207 UTC.

My third pirate in as many days...
Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: skeezix on July 05, 2013, 0133 UTC
0131Z 35322 S5 ID
0132Z 35322 S5 deadmau5 "Some Chords"
0136Z 25321 S4 Jimi Hendrix "Star Spangled Banner"
0140Z 25321 S4 Can hear Redhat, but in the noise.
0143Z 25322 S5 Soundgarden "4th of July"
0151Z 25322 S4 ID
0151Z 25322 S5 Lenny Kravits "Black and White America"
0156Z 25322 S5 ID "This is X-FM"
0156Z 35323 S6 Don McLean "American Pie"
0204Z 25323 S5 ID + op talking. Giving shoutouts.
0206Z 25323 S5 Red Rider "Lunatic Fringe"   (Red...)
0211Z 25323 S5 Billy Idol "White Wedding"   (White...)
0214Z 25322 S5 Blue Öyster Cult "Godzilla"   (Blue!)
0218Z 25321 S4 ID.
0222Z 25322 S5 America "A Horse With No Name"
0226Z 25322 S5 ID
0226Z 25322 S5 Tom Petty "Mary Jane's Last Dance"
0231Z 25322 S5 Crosby & Nash "Cowboy of Dreams"
0233Z 25322 S5 ID
0233Z 25322 S5 Paula Cole "Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?"
0238Z 25322 S5 ID
0238Z 25322 S5 Paul Simon "Kodachrome"
0241Z 25322 S5 The Guess Who "American Woman"
0248Z 25322 S5 ID
0248Z 25322 S5 Night Ranger "Rock In America"
0257Z 25322 S5 Alice In Chains "Check My Brain"
0304Z 25321 S5 Incubus "Stellar"
0306Z 25321 S5 ID
0306Z 25321 S5 Green Day "Welcome To Paradise"
0311Z 25321 S5 The Avalanches "Frontier Psychiatrist"
0315Z 25321 S5 ID
0315Z 25321 S5 The Faint "The Geeks Were Right"
0318Z 25321 S5 ID
0318Z 25321 S5 Poliça "Dark Star"
0323Z 25321 S5 R.E.M. "The One I Love"
0326Z 25322 S5 Foals "Inhaler"
0331Z 25322 S5 ID
0332Z 25322 S5 GusGus "Polyesterday"
0335Z 35333 S6 ID. Signing off.  (figures the band would come up as he signs off...)
0338Z 35333 S6 Lee Greenwood "God Bless The U.S.A."
0342Z 35322 S6 ID
0342Z Off air.

Yaesu FT-847 with 100' wire
Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: William Hassig on July 05, 2013, 0140 UTC
Just tuned in at 0138utc, Hendrix "star spangled banner" from his performance at Woodstock, poor/static in NE Illinois, xfmshortwave@gmail.com
Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: olddxer on July 05, 2013, 0140 UTC
45323 here in central OH
Hendrix then The power of X
0141 email address
Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: Danoman on July 05, 2013, 0142 UTC
Solid S9 signal here with great audio as usual.

Tuned in just in time to hear Hendrix "Star Spangled Banner".

Thanks XFM.

Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: refmo on July 05, 2013, 0145 UTC
S9 here, excellent audio. Dead Mau5 song followed by Jimi Hendrix 'Star Spangled Banner' @ 0139z.
ID and email, then into '4th of July' by Soundgarden @ 0144z

S8 @ 0204 with ID.  Going into a 3 song set where he wants listeners to figure out the theme of the song titles/artists.....
Red,White,and Blue theme.
Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: Beerus Maximus on July 05, 2013, 0145 UTC
Sounding really good here in the Boston burbs at 0145 UTC. S9 with peaks S9+10, some typical summer noise, grunge rock song (Soundgarden?). Smashing Pumpkins (or some Billy project) at 0149.
Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: Dr. Strangelove on July 05, 2013, 0153 UTC
S7 with peaks to +10.  Great audio blasting through the static!  Thanks for the show!!!
Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: BDM on July 05, 2013, 0204 UTC
Only about S7-S9 here, but great audio as usual ;)
Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: Labviewguru on July 05, 2013, 0226 UTC
6.950 AM 0204 UTC 05 July 2013
Don Mclean - "American Pie"
SID, Email address and introduction
(missed song while I was binging up email)

We've had horrendous thunderstorms this week, so QRN is pretty bad. you are a consistent S9+10 to S9+20
Your audio is always very professionally sounding - excellent tone range for shortwave. I've always like your "conversational" style.

SID - 0211
Billy Idol - "White Wedding"
0215 - I recognize it, but I don't know the name
Announcement, Time check, SID, listeners recognized, Email address announcement
Mentioned HF Underground
0223 - "A horse with no name"

73's and good DX

Frank, W8FH

IC-735 with Carolina Windom
NC/SC state line at the Blue Ridge Mountians
Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: Kilokat7 on July 05, 2013, 0335 UTC
I just tuned in at 0335z - signal is S6 or so over some light static on the band.  Yes, audio is great as usual.  Getting ready to sign-off now.
Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: jFarley on July 05, 2013, 1253 UTC
Recorder Catch on 6950AM

Capped XFM 0153-0341z here, and it looks like a very solid S8-S9+5 signal throughout the show with great audio here.  Looking forward to listening in detail while working in the yard today.

Thanks XFM!
Title: Re: XFM 6950A 07-05-13 0120
Post by: ChrisSmolinski on July 05, 2013, 1352 UTC
SDR catch. 0118z sign on, fair signal, S6 to S8 mostly, at sign on, improving as time went on with some peaks to S9.