HFU HF Underground

Loggings => North American Shortwave Pirate => Topic started by: DangerKitty on October 28, 2023, 2351 UTC

Title: UNWELL Radio 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: DangerKitty on October 28, 2023, 2351 UTC
2351: sign-on/BOT, music - "The Confessor" - Joe Walsh
55555, S9+15, arm chair copy
"Unwell Radio" per waterfall text -> "Rocky Mountain Way" - Joe Walsh
(https://i.postimg.cc/3w0BvSLP/Screenshot-from-2023-10-28-20-06-22-b.png) (https://postimages.org/)
0007: "Rocky Mountain Way" - Godsmack
0011: "Jagahodharini Mata Durga" - Rishi Nityaprogya
0012: spoken word recording about paranormal, demonologists, SFX
0019: S9+30 peaks - quite strong!

(https://i.postimg.cc/ZqD51j4K/Screenshot-from-2023-10-28-20-22-09-b.png) (https://postimages.org/)   (https://i.postimg.cc/xCKBKTxD/Screenshot-from-2023-10-28-20-25-18-b.png) (https://postimages.org/)    (https://i.postimg.cc/KjxwQSwK/Screenshot-from-2023-10-28-20-25-39-b.png) (https://postimages.org/)   (https://i.postimg.cc/d0MYdXsC/Screenshot-from-2023-10-28-20-38-35-b.png) (https://postimages.org/)

0040: "Sympathy For The Devil" - Rolling Stones
0057: suddenly EOT/OTA

Thank you for the broadcast!
Title: Re: UNID 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: intellman on October 28, 2023, 2353 UTC
2352 - Good signal coming into my NYC shack, S7 with good audio

Thanks for the show!
Title: Re: UNID 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: KMD3HR on October 28, 2023, 2353 UTC
The Confessor Joe Walsh
SiO 333
Title: Re: UNID 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: Grinch on October 28, 2023, 2355 UTC
20 over S9 into Central Florida. Great signal!
Title: Re: UNID 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: N2MLP on October 28, 2023, 2356 UTC
2336 UTC
S 9 +10

Title: Re: UNWELL Radio 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: myteaquinn on October 28, 2023, 2357 UTC
2357: S9+ signal playing The Confessor by Joe Walsh.
0002: Rocky Mountain Way by Joe Walsh.
0009: Rocky Mountain Way by Godsmack.
0020: Freakshow (Bonus Track) by Skillet.
0027: I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE by Maneskin.
Atomic Bomb by William Onyeabor.
0043: Sympathy For The Devil by The Rolling Stones.
0057: looks like the transmitter finally gave up the ghost.

(https://i.postimg.cc/P54KHvCR/Unwell-Radio-6938-USB-10-28-2023a.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)  (https://i.postimg.cc/J49CXgKL/Unwell-Radio-6938-USB-10-28-2023b.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)  (https://i.postimg.cc/Njnhtn9V/Unwell-Radio-6938-USB-10-28-2023c.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)  (https://i.postimg.cc/BvD1cdxf/Unwell-Radio-6938-USB-10-28-2023e.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: UNID 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: Molvania Poacher on October 28, 2023, 2358 UTC

2357- "The Confessor" by Joe Walsh. (001- Data over the music).
0002- "Rocky Mountain Way" by Joe Walsh.
Title: Re: Unwell Radio 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: Chuck54 on October 28, 2023, 2358 UTC
Reception into NE Ohio:

S9+  SIO 555  SINPO 55555 Excellent and clear signal

2357 UTC The Confessor by Joe Walsh
0004 Rocky Mountain Way by Joe Walsh   (sounded like alittle transmitter trouble there)
0006 MFSK signal in midst of song
0008 Rocky Mountain Way by Godsmack
0012 Jagadhodharini Mata Durga by Rishi Nityapragya
0013 Do you believe in......
0014 The Shining by Redrumer
0017 Lexicon Devil by Germs
0019 Freak Show by Skillet
0023 Flesh by Simon Curtis
0027 I Wanna Be Your Slave by Maneskin
0030 GOSSIP by Maneskin
0033 Atomic Bomb by William Onyeabor
0036 Miss Atomic Bomb by The Killers

Thanks for the broadcast!
Title: Re: UNID 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: hammarhead on October 28, 2023, 2358 UTC
Nice S9+ signal here tonight at 2358 UTC. Thanks for the show!
Title: Re: UNID 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: Dr. Strangelove on October 28, 2023, 2358 UTC
10 over and sounding great!
Title: Re: UNID 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: super skyrider on October 28, 2023, 2359 UTC
Im hearing it 10 over in T-Town

Yep, The Confessor - 2357

Looking forward to an excellent show!!

Chris KC5IIE
Tulsa, OK
Ant 40m loop
Title: Re: UNID 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: radio_cosmo on October 29, 2023, 0001 UTC
S9 in Chicago with “The Confessor” (Joe Walsh)
Dang, I like that song!
Title: Re: UNWELL Radio 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: ✠ Blue Max on October 29, 2023, 0009 UTC
S9 with some fading at this QTH but sounds good.

0008 Godsmack, "Rocky Mountain Way"
0011 Indian music briefly, ends abruptly
0013 Mashup of dialogue, screaming from TV/movies/games. Mention of demonologists, "Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are," Three Little Pigs, Homer Simpson
0017 Shazam says this is AFK, "Das Programm"
0018 Song, "Welcome to the Freak Show"
0021 Heavy UTE interference
0023 Simon Curtis, "Flesh"
0027 Maneskin, "I Wanna Be Your Slave"
0030 Maneskin, "Gossip" ft. Tom Morello
0033 William Onyeabor, "Atomic Bomb"
0035 The Killers, "Miss Atomic Bomb"
0040 Brainwave Sync, "Starry Night"
0040 Rolling Stones, "Sympathy for the Devil"
0043 YNW Melly, "Murder on my Mind"
0046 News broadcast of Lewiston ME mass shooting
0049 Robbie Robertson, "Shine Your Light"
0053 Bruce Cockburn, "Waiting for a Miracle"
0057 OFF abruptly mid song

Off-air recording:
https://archive.org/details/unwell-radio-6938-usb-0006-utc-29-oct-2023 (https://archive.org/details/unwell-radio-6938-usb-0006-utc-29-oct-2023)

THANKS for the broadcast! QSL appreciated.

Title: Re: UNWELL Radio 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: blw on October 29, 2023, 0011 UTC
Joe Walsh vocals heard above the noise levels. The signal improved and songs could be heard better. The music is really good. Some great tunes tonight! Thanks for the show.
Title: Re: UNWELL Radio 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: Big Badfish Al on October 29, 2023, 0012 UTC
SIO - 444 in YT

0009 - Rocky Mountain Way
0010 - cut
0011 - Indian music
Title: Re: UNWELL Radio 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: shadypyro on October 29, 2023, 0020 UTC
S9 signal at 00:20 utc coming in loud
Title: Re: UNWELL Radio 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: ~SIGINT~ on October 29, 2023, 0033 UTC
00:32 UTC - Weak readable then suddenly off then returned with music.

RSPduo | Wellbrook loop antenna
Title: Re: UNWELL Radio 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: ear in the ether on October 29, 2023, 0039 UTC
6938 khz S9++ signal, good audio
Title: Re: UNWELL Radio 6938 USB 2351 UTC 28 Oct 2023
Post by: refmo on October 29, 2023, 0042 UTC
S7 @ 0041 with "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Stones