HFU HF Underground

Loggings => North American Shortwave Pirate => Topic started by: PghScanner on August 26, 2013, 0205 UTC

Title: Undercover Radio KIPM relay 6925 USB 0203 August 26
Post by: PghScanner on August 26, 2013, 0205 UTC
Heard intro - Tonights show  The Cursed Galaxy. Sounds like Dr. Benway. S9 -S9+ and sounding good
Title: Re: 6925 USB UNID 0203 August 25
Post by: Labviewguru on August 26, 2013, 0207 UTC
S9+30 Excellent audio
0202 - Dr. Benway
"your radio is centered"
"Tales of the Illuminati" - "tonight's episode: ' The Accursed Galaxy'"

0300:Dr. Benway Announcement
Title: Re: 6925 USB Undercover Radio 0203 August 25
Post by: Cesium on August 26, 2013, 0207 UTC
S9 great signal, very good audio tonight.  
Title: Re: 6925 USB Undercover Radio 0203 August 26
Post by: LighthouseOhio on August 26, 2013, 0208 UTC
S9+20 into NE Ohio !!!

Please QSL or E-QSL
Lee Silvi
PO Box 982
Mentor, OH 44061
Title: Re: 6925 USB KIPM 0203 August 26
Post by: Mentholyptus on August 26, 2013, 0208 UTC
Solid S9, loud and clear!

0204, Radio tale about UFOs & radio pirate with atmospheric music

=== Thanks for the show!! ===
Title: Re: 6925 USB Undercover Radio 0203 August 26
Post by: textim on August 26, 2013, 0211 UTC
This isn't Undercover, it's someone relaying KIPM.  Huge S9+20 signal.

Thank you!
Title: Re: 6925 USB Undercover Radio 0203 August 26
Post by: hsmith77 on August 26, 2013, 0212 UTC
Big  S9 signal Alan Maxwell "The Illumanati '
Title: Re: 6925 USB Undercover Radio 0203 August 26
Post by: caodwolf on August 26, 2013, 0212 UTC
Big S10 here in SE PA  at 0212 with a radio show.
Title: Re: 6925 USB KIPM 0203 August 26
Post by: skeezix on August 26, 2013, 0214 UTC
Booming in here. SINPO=45545

Great show.

Thanks Dr Benway, really enjoyed it.

Yaesu FT-847 with 100' wire
Title: Re: 6925 USB Undercover Radio 0203 August 26
Post by: jFarley on August 26, 2013, 0217 UTC
Massive signal with excellent wide USB audio.  Relay of KIPM "The Accursed Galaxy"

0259 Dr Benway with some comments, and off

Thank you for the excellent relay, Dr Benway!
Title: Re: 6925 USB Undercover Radio 0203 August 26
Post by: atrainradio on August 26, 2013, 0218 UTC
Great signal here in baltimore. Something to take our minds off the freak show that was the MTV VMA's
Title: Re: 6925 USB Undercover Radio 0203 August 26
Post by: Dr. Strangelove on August 26, 2013, 0218 UTC
Big +10 signal here.  Thanks for the show!
Title: Re: 6925 USB KIPM 0203 August 26
Post by: ChrisLobdel on August 26, 2013, 0226 UTC
Classic KIPM show 0225 S-9 +20 here! Thanks whoever you are!
Was Undercover Radio playing KIPM, ID by Benway 0259 and off. Thanks1
Title: Re: 6925 USB KIPM 0203 August 26
Post by: Bowman1 on August 26, 2013, 0228 UTC
Big signal into  central Iowa tonight. S9+15 with kicking audio. SIO 555. Open up the filters and enjoy.
Title: Re: 6925 USB KIPM 0203 August 26
Post by: thechoat on August 26, 2013, 0234 UTC
s9-2 over here in the midwest
awesome audio
thanks for the show KIPM!
Title: Re: 6925 USB KIPM 0203 August 26
Post by: OK_Mike on August 26, 2013, 0240 UTC
Excellent signal into Oklahoma tonight. S6-7 with little fading or noise. Exceptional audio quality.
Title: Re: 6925 USB KIPM 0203 August 26
Post by: Zane on August 26, 2013, 0240 UTC
Just tuning in at 0240z. Same great signal and audio as others have logged.
Thanks for the show.

Title: Re: 6925 USB KIPM 0203 August 26
Post by: Rafman on August 26, 2013, 0251 UTC
10-20 over here

0245z Major rise/fade so band may be shifting here...
Title: Re: 6925 USB KIPM 0203 August 26
Post by: Markokpik on August 26, 2013, 0254 UTC
Listening since about 0140.  Polyhedron from space.  Nearing end now - 0155.

Massive S9 + signal.

Thanks for the show Dr. Benway!
Title: Re: 6925 USB KIPM 0203 August 26
Post by: William Hassig on August 26, 2013, 0301 UTC
Bravo! Excellent story. Good signal, excellent audio for ssb. Just signed on to internet, was busy listening to story. At end of bcst Dr Benway made announcement. Edit: I thought the box 69 Elkorn NE 68022 address was no longer valid.
Title: Re: 6925 USB KIPM 0203 August 26
Post by: Jolly Roger on August 26, 2013, 0312 UTC
I had them in about S-5 with QRN, unfortunately not strong enough for an I.D. Hopefully I'll get another chance as conditions improve.
Title: Re: 6925 USB KIPM 0203 August 26
Post by: dxer720 on August 26, 2013, 0317 UTC
That was so cool!  The polyhedron in space was way out there.  The signal & audio were stellar here in Wisconsin.  Best audio I've ever heard on sideband.  

This is only the 2nd SW pirate logged, since a new friend introduced me to tuning for pirates, about a week ago.  Thank you for opening my ears.
Title: Re: Undercover Radio KIPM relay 6925 USB 0203 August 26
Post by: Sealord on August 26, 2013, 1226 UTC
Recorder catch:

6925 USB

Great signal & audio with little fading - Dr. Benway relaying KIPM's 'The Accursed Galaxy'

02:02z-02:59z Undercover Radio KIPM relay

Audio (complete show): http://archive.org/download/ShortwavePirateRadioCont/UndercoverRadio_kipmRelay6925Usb0202z-0259z08-26-13.mp3

Thanks Dr. Benway! :)
Title: Re: Undercover Radio KIPM relay 6925 USB 0203 August 26
Post by: Beerus Maximus on August 26, 2013, 1331 UTC
SDR catch. Strapping S9+20 signal throughout. Dr. Benway at 0259 UTC talking about being inspired by KIPM and developing his own theater of the mind, then "goodnight".
Title: Re: Undercover Radio KIPM relay 6925 USB 0203 August 26
Post by: ulx2 on August 26, 2013, 1359 UTC
That was difficult reception in Kiev. Very strong side QRM from utility station. SINPO=32442. Some slow music and speech, c/d at about 0300 UTC. Thank you very much for the show.
Title: Re: Undercover Radio KIPM relay 6925 USB 0203 August 26
Post by: Sealord on August 26, 2013, 1413 UTC
That was difficult reception in Kiev. Very strong side QRM from utility station. SINPO=32442. Some slow music and speech, c/d at about 0300 UTC. Thank you very much for the show.

Kiev?  Nice catch ulx2 & congrats to Dr. Benway!
Title: Re: Undercover Radio KIPM relay 6925 USB 0203 August 26
Post by: ChrisSmolinski on August 27, 2013, 1158 UTC
SDR recording catch, S9+10 here, great to hear KIPM again!
Title: Re: Undercover Radio KIPM relay 6925 USB 0203 August 26
Post by: Rizla on August 27, 2013, 1756 UTC
First post ever: Excellent signal here in southern AZ. Signal sounded like the KIPM of old, which is praise indeed.
Impressed at the Kiev log above. This is what pirate radio can be.
QSO at 258, a combo of a 90's show and a 2003 show? "Our own version"?
The ICF2010 has always loved KIPM for some reason. And Red Mercury labs. Or maybe it loves broadcasters
with the strength and timing to make it to AZ. Cheers to all.