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Loggings => North American Shortwave Pirate => Topic started by: RCCI on January 01, 2015, 0156 UTC

Title: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: RCCI on January 01, 2015, 0156 UTC
01:56 just signed on lots of ID's OP said they'd be on 3 hours.. and techno rock S8 -9+ signal  -- Awesome audio!!
02:00  synth voice ID Radio Free AAD AED (still not 100% sure)----song Ride like The Wind, with "techno beat"02:04 ID Radio Free ADD
02:07 OP ID'd with: "Radio Free ADD, Alpha Delta Delta"   OP said there would be guests on program.
02:11 canned ID
02:14 someone just tuned up over signal.

Awesome Program... Thanks for the Show RF ADD!
Title: Re: Radio AAP 6925 USB
Post by: Markokpik on January 01, 2015, 0158 UTC
Radio ADD, 6925USB, 0157, 1/1/15. S/on with electronica.  ID over music. ... Later "Radio Free Alpha Delta Delta"

S9 - good even with high band noise.

Interesting music.  

Thanks for the show
Title: Re: Radio Free AAP 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: blw on January 01, 2015, 0159 UTC
Loud signal and good audio. Very neat music going. I thought I heard "Radio Free ?" as an ID. Sometimes they are fading away completely.
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: ByteBORG on January 01, 2015, 0200 UTC
SINPO: 32223 but the props are getting worse here in Illinois
Numerous voice over ID's,

0159 - Also hearing this station at an S5 to S6
0203 - Ride Like the Wind - Chris Cross
0219 - Positive ID by OM as: "Radio Free ADD"
0223 - Power of Love - Huey Lewis & the News
0223 - ID by OM - ..."too many genres to choose from, so we play them all"...
0243 - E mail addy given in Chat as: radiofreeadd@gmail.com
0306 - Sandstorm - Darude  ---  Thanks a million for playing this request, you made my night !!
0322 - Sharp Dressed Man - ZZ Top
0344 - Cold as Ice - Foreigner

Thanks for the New Years Eve Show.
Don't be a stranger, hope to hear you again soon.
Title: Re: Radio Free AAD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: hsmith77 on January 01, 2015, 0203 UTC
S5 here with techno music  at ID at 0200
 Song by the Cranberries  "I shot john Lennon"
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: Tuco on January 01, 2015, 0206 UTC
Peaking at S7-8 with Ride Like the Wind by Christopher Cross at 0205z.
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: Labviewguru on January 01, 2015, 0208 UTC
S7 to S9
ID was quite "mushy"

0212 - prerecorded ID was good - "Radio Free ADD" & email addr
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: oly1959 on January 01, 2015, 0215 UTC
Wow! First time catch of Radio Free ADD. About a S6-7 and great audio playing "Mundian To Bach Me" by Panjabi MC at 0206 with ID and email at 0210. Thanks for the show and Happy New Year my friend! ;D
Thanks for the shout out and for playing "Jump" by Van Halen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: Dutch Master on January 01, 2015, 0232 UTC
Phil Collins - Land of Confusion. Signal getting stronger. Was down in the noise, now S7-S9.
Van Halen - Jump at 0234z. Daddy Cool by Boney M..... tnx for s/o.
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: Skipmuck on January 01, 2015, 0236 UTC
Been recording and listening since 0156 UTC with signal strength building over the last half hour or so. Kicking back and eating peanut butter sandwiches, so I didn't post until now. Hmmm
0233 UTC ID by man announcer as "Radio Free ADD, into Jump by Van Halen
0238 UTC Thanks for the shoutout ADD!
0244 UTC "Rapture"-Blondie...Thanks for the request ADD!!!Don't hear that tune on the radio anymore and I miss it!
0249 UTC "Bang a Gong" T-Rex
0253 UTC "Generation Landslide"-Alice Cooper (A killer tune! Thanks!)
0307 UTC "We Don't Talk Anymore"-Cliff Richard
0314 UTC "Harlem Nocturne"-Viscounts (That was a trip back to my childhood! You must have the music library of congress there at ADD! Thank You :))
0320 UTC "Sharp Dressed Man"-ZZ Top
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: Kilokat7 on January 01, 2015, 0240 UTC
Was barely audible a bit ago, but S6-S7 now on re-check.  Heavy bass dance track right now and shout-out to HFU'ers a few minutes ago and VH "Jump" just before that.  Thanks for the show!
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: Hornet0123 on January 01, 2015, 0244 UTC
Hearing some Techno @0243  Aboute s5

0255 Hearing Alice Cooper- Signal is coming up nicely now about s8
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: Rafman on January 01, 2015, 0259 UTC
0254z a nice s7-8 signal...
0258z ID "Biggest Party on the Planet, this is Radio Free ADD"

Thanks for the show, Happy New Year!!!
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: halifaxtap on January 01, 2015, 0306 UTC
0306  Techno Dance music piece. Not great signal S4, noisy here in Halifax
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: textim on January 01, 2015, 0318 UTC
Not audible at all when first reported here, but the signal has gradually improved.  Now S9  at 0315z with a guest appearance by DJ Dickweed announcing "Brick House".

Thanks ADD!
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: ChrisLobdel on January 01, 2015, 0323 UTC
S-8 with slow deep fades 0323 with ZZ Top's Sharp Dressed Man... nice audio for USB!
Losing signal to noise at 0421 - thanks for the show!

Thanks for playing the Lily Allen request!
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: Bowman1 on January 01, 2015, 0326 UTC
Running between an S7 and S8 here in Iowa with ZZ Top's Sharped Dressed Man, and now... Milli Vanilli?

DJ Dickweed made an appearance earlier.

SIO 444
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: Jolly Roger on January 01, 2015, 0335 UTC
Fair copy for the Chris Cross song. Strongest of the 3 stations I can hear here now. About S-5 over S-1 noise with QSB.
Title: Radio Free ADD on 6.925 USB at 0355 utc on 1-1-15
Post by: blw on January 01, 2015, 0405 UTC
Weird signal- clear with deep fades at times. 6.925 best heard in USB with lower side filter down to 6.924.8 and upper limit side set at 6.938.5.

Good ID after rap like song.

0433 utc- louder and better signal. Good music. ID during song. S8 without fading.
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: DreamWeeVA on January 01, 2015, 0405 UTC
Radio Free ADD Ids.  Thump, thump, thump beat!  Audio bw about 3.0 KHz, a 220-Hz carrier gives a low hum to it all.  Nice signal a few s-units out of noise at 04:04 .  Instant
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: skeezix on January 01, 2015, 0413 UTC
Great signal here tonight... S7-S9. Lots of great music going.

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA-1530S+ loop
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: ChrisSmolinski on January 01, 2015, 1604 UTC
Generally a weak signal here on the SDR recording, mostly SIO 222. Thanks for the show!
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: refmo on January 01, 2015, 1724 UTC
Recorder catch:
S3 to S5, mostly poor copy @ 0158.  Mostly in or below the noise by 0300.
Signal came back up @ 0355 or so.  "Poor Lino", then clear 'Radio Free ADD' ID and shoutouts @ 0401, then continued with the song.
0405 - "Bored in the USA" - up to S6 and good copy.  Mention of rioting in the streets, ID again.  Faded back down @ 0410.
Thanks for the show.
Title: Re: Radio Free ADD 6925 USB 01:56 01:01:2015
Post by: jFarley on January 01, 2015, 2016 UTC
Recorder Catch on 6925 USB

Great signal and copy here for most of the show.

Thanks ADD!