HFU HF Underground

Loggings => European Pirates and Private Stations => Topic started by: Ray Lalleu on September 27, 2019, 1913 UTC

Title: Unid 6285 AM 1911 utc 27 Sep 2019
Post by: Ray Lalleu on September 27, 2019, 1913 UTC
on 6285.0
1911 a version of "Ma Tonkinoise", 1913 "Rosemaria"?  D, more D songs,
reader problem (change), etc, 1926
1933 D songs, 1940 ID no copy with reverb and above the music, more music,
1946 ID : Radio Drei und....., music, 1953 song in it., 1956 ID in D no copy, nr 06...?
D song, talking above, then barrel organ
2003 making a phone call, callee is a W, 2005 song with kids, 2009 D music, etc
2023 IDs (no copy), then D music again, 2034

(2055 no signal)
Title: Re: Unid 6285 AM 1911 utc 27 Sep 2019
Post by: The Ether Hacker on September 27, 2019, 1920 UTC
I'm getting a weak copy here.  It is in Dutch, not German
Title: UPDATE Re: Unid 6285 AM 1911 utc 27 Sep 2019
Post by: dxace1 on September 27, 2019, 1924 UTC
ID by woman was "Radio Norge......" or similar -- someone on chat claimed this was the Norwegian
Radio Norge, but music format does not match.

Yes, straight Dutch vocals at 1923 tune in....weak to fair with increasing noise late in day.

Station now back on 6285 as of 2027 UTC