HFU HF Underground
Loggings => Other => Topic started by: Ray Lalleu on March 10, 2022, 2234 UTC
on 3920 USB
2232 talking against Putin ! (and I don't need to understand Russian ! )
with short pauses, and another (weaker) station trying to reply.
2236 'ein zwei drei putin schwein' jingle
2336 another loop against the Russians
ID thanks to kris (see below)
2308 S9+15 Glory to Ukrainu ubiwajte ruskie swini skolko możete, russkogo agresora okupanta pederasa
Putina chuiła, ....russkomu agressoru okupantu Ukrainy tolko smert'
- it's Radio Rurik next night radio war vs Russia, back ground music and loop "russkie swini" and alien carrier
2320 both UA sounds break, present alien karier only
2326 gone carrier and start Radio Rurik again with back ground music
I think this is their deliberate background music and not another station because both sounds
synchronously disappeared and appeared
2334 S9+15 only loop "russkie swini " https://voca.ro/19peWRli0ELH (https://voca.ro/19peWRli0ELH)
2340 waterfal sharp pictures
https://i.imgur.com/Fr4fPsr.jpg[/img]](https://i.imgur.com/Fr4fPsr.jpg) (http://[img)
https://i.imgur.com/XBWbNRe.jpg[/img]](https://i.imgur.com/XBWbNRe.jpg) (http://[img)
0012 owner on Mic - Stanislav, the whole free world is with you to victory!!!!
0024 record of info by Telegram Kanał
Now you are broadcasting a good, reliable journalistic job !!!!
Hear you in Scandinavia, Scotland, Portugal, Kuwait and the Urals.