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Messages - Benoit LEVEQUE

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Good evening. Here, in Northern France, I pīcked up this UNID transmission at 12.33 with 5 dB S and 35523 as SINPO. After having played BEATLES' "YELLOW SUBMARINE", off ! three minutes later. The frequency was 6200 KHz. Good D.X. from B.L.       

Hi, Here in Northern France, I picked up this UNID radiostation with 7 dB and 45444 as SINPO from 11.22 to 12.26, playing at 11.29 STING's title "if the russians love their children too", followed by techno and/or rock music. The frequency was 6295 KHz. Good D.X. from B.L.   

Good evening. In Northern-France, this UNID transmission was picked up with a S 7dB and a SINPO of 45544. This trong signal was followed by a carrier. Off at 18.14 ? Good D.X. from B.L.

Hi. This radiostation was picked up with a S 5dB and 35432 as SINPO. Off at 18.36 ? No more reception at this time. B.L. 

Good evening. I picked up this UNID radiostation at 17.59 with S 8 and a SINPO of 35544. Could it be the same transmission received also in Northern France ? good D.X. from B.L.

Good evening. This UNID transmission was picked up in Northern-France with 5 dB and a SINPO of 25222. Broadcasted Andean music and ABBA at 18.20 then four minutes later. The modulation was noisy. Benoīt.

Hi, dear R.L. I picked up too this UNID radiostation in Northern-France with S 6 dB - SINPO 45545, with rock music non stop before playing at 08.50 Paul HARDCASTEL's title "He was nineteen" issued in 1985 and later by Yves MOUROUSI in the french title. Off at 09.06. New transmission at 11.40 with the song of POLICE played by STING "Walking on the moon'' (1979). S 5 dB - SINPO 45334. Good modulation. B.L.   

Hi. This radiostation was picked up in Northern France with a signal of 4 dB and a SINPO of 25322. The modulation was noisy at 15.26, then at 17.43. From B.L.   

Hi. This short test was picked up in Northern France, with a signal of 4 dB and a SINPO of 35332 followed by the closing down at 15.23. B.L.

Hi. This radiostation was heard in Northern France with S 7 dB and a SINPO of 35332. The modulation was noisy. It played instrumental music before the closing down two minutes later. B.L. 

Hi. Here, in Northern France, I picked up Radio Ronalisa with S 7dB and a SINPO of 35333. First the frequency was 6295 Khz before moving to 6290 KHz at 17.24. Greets to a listener living in U.K. at 17.34 before its closing down. good D.X. from Benoīt.

Good evening. This radiostation was picked up in Northern France with S 4dB and a SINPO of 35332. Off at 15.20. Three minutes later a new test on 6300 KHz with the same report. Then off at 15.24. Good DX from Benoīt.

Hi. Contikenzo was picked up with a signal of 7 dB and a SINPO of 45444 but I remarked a difference of several seconds between the other modulation received on the frequency 5800 KHz with the same signal strengh and SINPO. Contikenzo broadcasted POPPYS' title "Isabelle, je t'aime" at 18.07. Good D.X. From Benoīt.   

Good morning. W.M.R. was picked up with 7 dB and a SINPO of 45444 on the frequency 6325 KHz at 19.45. Good reception in Northern France. Good D.X. from Benoīt. 

Good morning to you all. MIKE RADIO was picked up with a strong signal of 9 dB and a SINPO of 45545. In Northern-France we could listen to "Zondag" of Rod de Nijs followed by Michel DELPECH's title "POUR UN FLIRT" and greetings to myself for my report of reception sent by e-mail at 18.42. Dank u voor uw reactie, geachte Mike en tot ziens. good D.X. Benoīt LEVEQUE from CAMBRAI. 

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