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Messages - Capt Marbles

Pages: [1] 2
North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: RTN 6.945 am
« on: August 04, 2012, 0659 UTC »
Been listening to RTN on and off all night. S5-7 at home base as well a NH remote. Very good signal and tunes!

Thanks for the show!

Capt. Marbles

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID - 6.925 mHz at 0440 UTC
« on: August 02, 2012, 0445 UTC »
Likewise heard via Bainbridge Island remote. SIO 333 and off.

Capt. Marbles

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: WPOD 6925
« on: May 31, 2011, 0400 UTC »
BIG signal into So. Cal tonight. S9 +10db as of 0355z. Good modulation playing TV and film theme tunes.

Station: WPOD
Freq: 6925USB
SIO: 555

0355: WPOD ID, elec. male voice
0355: The A Team
0357: ID, female elec. voice
0357: Sounds like an adult film ad?
0358: Moonraker...Shirley Bassey

Thanks for the show!

Please QSL :)

Capt. Marbles

Have you tried captianbusterhyman@gmail.com?

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: NRS on 6930 AM
« on: May 26, 2011, 0257 UTC »
Got a carrier here in So Cal, but no audio :(

Capt. Marbles

North American Shortwave Pirate / Chamberpot Radio 6925u 0254z
« on: May 26, 2011, 0255 UTC »
Chamberpot Radio on for a "Humpday Show" play blues at 0254z.

Station: Chamberpot Radio
Freq: 6925khz USB
SIO: 222

0255 - ID, "where else can you hear blues like this!"
0255 - More mx
0254 - ID, reception reports to FRN, HFU and email addy (below)

Off at 0337z

Thanks for the show!

Capt. Marbles

P.S. Reception reports can also be sent directly to captianbusterhyman@gmail.com

General Radio Discussion / Chamberpot Radio QSL received
« on: May 15, 2011, 1612 UTC »
Thanks to Chamberpot Radio for a fantastic QSL card received via snail mail. I would insert the image but it's a bit raunchy :)

Here's a link - http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff435/CaptMarbles/eQSL/scan0001.jpg


Short off air recording of the end of last night's broadcast by Renegade Radio can be found here -



Renegade Radio heard in So Cal S4-5 over a low noise level. New one for me!

Station: Renegade Radio
Freq: 6925.05khz USB
SIO: 222

0236 - Iron Maiden...Run to the Hills
0239 - New track, cannot ID but sounds a bit like Maiden
0244 - Signal has taken a dive but still hearing metal music
0249 - Metal music continues, vocals still sound Maiden
0250 - Male ann. live, ID, reports to FRN and HFU
0252 - Metal music continues
0306 - Male ann, live, ID, reports to FRN and HFU

Thanks for the show!

Please QSL :)

Capt. Marbles

North American Shortwave Pirate / NRS 6930khz AM 0350z
« on: May 14, 2011, 0350 UTC »
NRS being heard fairly well in So Cal (S6-7). Sounds like Radio Free Paranoia relay?

Station: NRS
Freq: 6930AM
SIO: 322

0348 - Male voice talking about "restrict free press" and other political talk.
0350 - NRS ID
0351 - More paranoid talk...
0408 - Lots of IDs, request for reception reports, email addy
0412 - Commander Bunny soundalike?

Thanks for the show!

Please QSL :)

Capt. Marbles

Late posting, but noted a faint signal from Frederic Chopin Radio on 6940khz AM this evening playing the usual mix of pleasant piano music.

RX reports can be submitted to the station email address - fredericchopinradio@gmail.com

Thanks for the show!

Capt. Marbles

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6348khz AM (Euro?)
« on: May 08, 2011, 0840 UTC »
Faint audio/music in the noise with het around S5. Can't pull much more than that @ 0839z.

Possible Euro?

Capt. Marbles

Signal S5 over S4.5 noise, clear audio and good modulation. SIO 322

0324 - Ordinary People...John Legend
0329 - ID, reports to email addy (radiotruenorth@gmail.com), FRN or HFU, requests too
0330 - Barenaked Ladies

Thanks Radio True North!

Capt. Marbles

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Hearing someone 6925AM
« on: May 07, 2011, 0533 UTC »
Same here, Radio Jamba still on or is this someone new?

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: NRS 27.980 Am
« on: April 30, 2011, 0203 UTC »
Sorry nothing heard here.

Capt. Marbles

Pages: [1] 2
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