European Pirates and Private Stations / Re: Radio Nora 6925.1 AM 2200 UTC 30 Jan 2015
« on: January 31, 2015, 0943 UTC »
Thank you all for the postings and reports...
Normaly I am active in the lower part of the 48m band, around 6265 KHz. Using a dipole on a relative low hight to increase gain for European NVIS operation.
For an experiment, I took the dipole out, and installed a 1/4 wavelength sloper to the mast at 14m high. Sloping in the US direction.
On the receive side it showed that (during local daytime) the EU signals were down a lot. As expected.
Yesterday evening I was on 6925 for about 1/2 hour. Funny that the first report on the Chatchannel (Iann's) came from across the pond... That was what this was all about...
But there was a downside as well. The sloper brought in a huge RF feedback problem. An enormous HUM, and very distorted audio...
I tried a few things. Made and broke earth connections, but only with marginal results...
Time to really address this problem is not there. Due to property issues, the sloper cannot stay in the mast...
Anyway, thanks again and hope to hear from you guys again someday...
(Home made Tube transmitter; 813 in the PA and modulated by 2 x 811a
Normaly I am active in the lower part of the 48m band, around 6265 KHz. Using a dipole on a relative low hight to increase gain for European NVIS operation.
For an experiment, I took the dipole out, and installed a 1/4 wavelength sloper to the mast at 14m high. Sloping in the US direction.
On the receive side it showed that (during local daytime) the EU signals were down a lot. As expected.
Yesterday evening I was on 6925 for about 1/2 hour. Funny that the first report on the Chatchannel (Iann's) came from across the pond... That was what this was all about...

But there was a downside as well. The sloper brought in a huge RF feedback problem. An enormous HUM, and very distorted audio...
I tried a few things. Made and broke earth connections, but only with marginal results...
Time to really address this problem is not there. Due to property issues, the sloper cannot stay in the mast...
Anyway, thanks again and hope to hear from you guys again someday...
(Home made Tube transmitter; 813 in the PA and modulated by 2 x 811a