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Messages - ka1iic

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Other / Time signal 6780 khz (zero beat)
« on: January 23, 2021, 1310 UTC »
6780 khz USB 1300 utc jan./ 23/ 2021 Time signal (zero beat. This is a frequency holder IMHO) 6779.5 khz usb voice also I have heard data on this frequency with signal around the same amt. of db. Possibly Cuba ?

Hearing the unkn station 6900 AM  with peaks just above the noise... It seems to be stabilizing at the moment.  I do hear music but not enough to "name that tune"  :-)

Troy, Ohio

Why run pt. 15 ?  Well I do but I live in a heavily concentrated area home wise that is...  I use AM and FM and well let's see  8  5 unit apartments equals 40 + listeners... and that doesn't include the folks across the road, mostly older like myself but so many of us luv 'old radio shows'...  brings back memories of when we were much younger...  :-)

have a great day and a better tomorrow :-)

HF Beacons / Re: Dasher 7950 kHz, 1900 UTC Nov. 12, 2019
« on: November 12, 2019, 1910 UTC »
7950 khz zero beat  Timing about 7.5 seconds between dashes.

Been listen to this for about an hour now.  Could this possibly be the same one ?  S7 or so for signal, little fading.

HF Mystery Signals / one second dit stations
« on: September 28, 2019, 0421 UTC »
Dit Stations slightly out of sync 3 different frequencies:

6801.38 khz,  6803.38 khz and 6805.38 khz.

The 6803.38 khz being the strongest in signal and the 2 others much weaker but about the same as each other in signal strength.

Frequencies #1 and #3 appear to be in sync with the #2 signal a little later (as in a few mili-seconds).

Hope this might be helpful.

Vince KA1IIC

HF Mystery Signals / Re: 6 Second Ditter (?) 26 Sept 2019
« on: September 28, 2019, 0155 UTC »
TNX Token for the info...  I will check it and put it into the collection of local data :-)

Vince KA1IIC

The following is a list of '6 second ditter' signals I have copied today;  Sept 26, 2019  Time Started listening: 1900 utc. :
6225 khz , 6750 khz , 6850 khz , 7700 khz, 8275 khz, 8700 khz, 8975 khz, 9050 khz, 9225 khz, 10525 khz, 11025 khz, 11150 khz, 11200 khz, 11525 khz,
11550 khz, 12000 khz, 12025 khz, 12500 khz, 13200 khz, 13400 khz, 13875 khz, 14400 khz, 14700 khz, 15100 khz.

All frequencies listed are at zero beat, in order to hear the 'dit' you will have to tune a bit higher in frequency or lower in frequency :-)

This is by no means a complete listing but it is only the stations I heard at my station as I am fairly sure there were many more.
Here's an extra, at least for me;  The ditter on 9225 khz had another ditter on frequency, much weaker and at a different timing rate.  I made a recording of it and use some noise reducing software to make the audio clearer and it appears about one second before the louder signal or if you like about 5 seconds after the louder signal.  :-)  Obviously 2 different signal sources... I haven't heard this before but maybe others have.  I still believe this is some sort of propagation tool but I have no information as to who or whom is doing this... The mystery continues :-)

Hope you find this useful.
Vince KA1IIC

What if a person, any non-ham person offered to buy you the ultimate ham station ?  Sound good...  well maybe not if you consider "the catch".

The deal goes like this,  This non-ham person buys you everything you ever imagined as far as ham equipment goes...

The 'catch"?   Simple he will use it for 24/7 every week and the only thing he needs from you if the fact you are now the control operator with the required FCC licence.  All the gear is in your name but you never get to use it because the non-ham person is on it 24/7.

Your greed has set you up for a fall maybe... just maybe...  You forgot, because you are the licensed control operator and owner of this 'rig' you will take hell for anything that 'might' go wrong...  Maybe your non-ham person is into something that might be  'harmful' to persons or even your Country...  Not saying this is the case but it just might be...

Would you take this 'gift'...  ????

just sayin'

This in no way is about anyone or any situation old/new  it is just a play on the imagination.  AKA  not freaking real so don't say this about this or that because... it isn't.. it's just a mental play and you folks all know just how mental I can get  :P  Welcome to 'The Twilight Zone"


Huh? / Re: CalTech struck by 7.1 magnitude earthquake...
« on: July 09, 2019, 1627 UTC »
The earthquake has a name:

Dr. Richard P. Feynman's revenge !!!

And we worry about Mexicans ....

Damn time we worry about everyone...  The PLA is everywhere !!!!

Where are my meds???

Gee... I wonder if they are made in China ???

<hah>  need I ask????  A self answering question I suspect...

Huh? / follow up to; "The Day the MUSIC BURNED"
« on: July 04, 2019, 1438 UTC »
When I read this I got very very angry...  No I got super PISSED !!!!  Get ready to get angry or Cry!


Some of our greatest history was burned about 11 years ago but we were never told...  I wish Chuck Berry was alive...  he'd sue their f---ing butts off

Huh? / Re: Treasure every memory
« on: March 13, 2019, 1948 UTC »
Works for me !!!! :-)

Huh? / Re: What Happened To Radio AND “Liberal Talk” Radio?
« on: March 13, 2019, 1947 UTC »
"there's rioting in Africa, there's strife in Iran, what nature doesn't do to us, will be done by our fellow man."

Kingston trio, Frank Werber their manager & dope provider... <sigh>


here's a recording but the signal was quite weak:

Station was heard on feb. 26 2019 time was as posted maybe some time before... say... 2320 utc or so... not sure...

I only post real-time not from recording from yesterday or last week... FYI

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