Other / What is this station? Need help figuring out what it is.
« on: February 04, 2014, 0212 UTC »
Hello all, yesterday at 0200 UTC I picked up a odd signal on 7.007 MHz in CW mode, you could also hear it on SSB USB (if that means anything.) This is with a icom IC-PCR2500 and a whip atenna. It appears to be a muscial tune, then followed by Morse Code. Sorry for the meh sound, I'm new at this stuff. Is it an actual number station, or a pirate?
It also appears to run everyday, I picked it up today not too long ago. The music also seems to change after a while, as if it has several songs playing each time. I also heard a voice repeating at one point, if that means anything as well.
Video: (may need to turn sound up) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9JzQ-laZkc

Video: (may need to turn sound up) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9JzQ-laZkc