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Messages - CaptainChaos

Pages: [1] 2
Equipment / Re: Marconi 2017
« on: September 13, 2018, 0210 UTC »
Thanks for the reply Rick! I finally met up with the guy and took the Marconi home. I spent the first couple weeks just watching the motor driven wheel spin when changing the carrier frequency.
I ordered a type N to BNC adapter and put it on the RF output, ran a wire off the end of that, turned up a tone on the oscillator, turned up the output level, and could hear it a few miles away on the CB channels with modulation at 99%. I did the same on the local strong AM station and could hear a tone under audio to about a mile away.
As I mentioned, I'm just starting to learn about this stuff, but am having fun. I'm taking some classes and am trying to learn more, but am gaining a lot by lurking around here.

Also, part of the trade for my Sansui included a very modified Motorola R-1201A / Systron Donner 1702 that supposedly came from the same WDAY in Fargo. It had what seemed like the right core, but had a ton of black taped caps and homemade proto board stuff on it. There was also a 4 pin CB style mic jack on the back. I took it apart for parts before realizing that it might be be something cool, but am very curious about its back story, as well as the Marconi. Anyone have any connection to WDAY? Anyone know anything about these?

Equipment / Marconi 2017
« on: July 22, 2018, 0704 UTC »
I'm trading an old Sansui Eight home audio receiver for some old test equipment that came out of WDAY in Fargo, including a Marconi 2017. Can anybody give me any information on this signal generator and what possible uses it might have? If anybody can give me any backstory on the station or the gear, that would be greatly appreciated too. My knowledge is slim, but growing, and I would really like to use this for the common good. Any suggestions or advice would make me a very happy guy.
Until then, keep fighting the good fight

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: XFM 6960 AM 0042 UTC 1Nov16
« on: November 01, 2016, 0059 UTC »
In and out here along the big muddy river. Thought I heard some sirens for a second there. I'm also catching bits of the reception reports at 00:58.
SIO 322, sometimes worse. Really hoping things get better soon here in the valley...

Larry in Minnesota is making a Halloween video? ID at 01:10.

Barely catching it here in the valley of the big muddy river. Wouldn't have found it if it wasn't for the others who id'd it. I'll keep listening in hopes that it clears up as the flaming globe goes down...

Can't exactly make the tune out at the moment, but there is some faint signal in the air along the banks of the mighty mississip. I can tell it's some rockin and rollin with some aggressive vocals at 00:54, but that's about it. I'll keep listening in hopes that it clears up...

And thanks!

No time for a detailed description tonight, but it sure sounds good here along the northern end of the slightly swollen big muddy river.
S9 and consistent, little bit of noise, but we're used to it a little dirty around here.
Always happy to here ya!

Barely able to hear signal above the noise but I did catch a few seconds of Rush? at 2:23 UTC along the banks of the very low big muddy. Have got to work on this antenna setup....

Barely getting it here along the big muddy. Don't know the tune... CW in the music at 00:12.
SIO 232

Lost it at 00:16

00:43 Throw away your television
00:44 REO? Time for me to fly...
00:48 OP taking a few minutes to talk- having a good time
00:49 Station ID, Burn It Down
00:49 Bon Jovi?

Great sounding stuff and good signal here along the big ol' muddy one.
S6ish, SIO 344

left for a bit but just caught Pour Some Sugar On Me at 01:10 and the signal is clearing up very nicely. S9 and pretty dang clear.
01:16 Hotel California

00:00 Give me all your Loving, the polka version?
00:01 Station ID howl and quack
00:02 Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door
00:08 One of these days these boots are going to walk all over you!

S7, SIO 344 along the banks of the swiftly flowing big nasty muddy.
Sounds great so far, thanks for the show!

Caught the station ID at 02:09, but can barely hear anything else except the difference between music and spoken parts. Lots o' static here by the swollen big muddy.
02:12 End of song, beginning of spoken stuff and then a precipitous dive into static

SIO 121

00:57 Halloween Michael Myers Theme? Or is it Jason?
01:01 Things that go bump, bump, bump, in the night
01:05 SSTV Images- my QSSTV shut down just as the Freddy Krueger image finished... so sad

S7, SIO 433

Fading in and out on a rainy day here by the big muddy river.


Sounding increasingly better here by the big muddy. S7 or so, but a bit noisy.

01:12 Reefer Man
01:14 Song ID/Station ID
01:22 Thanks for the shout out to a newbie (little ol' me)
01:31 Radio Radio- Elvis Costello
01:39 Santana
Starting to clear up a bit, just in time for a mandated inhalation procedural review.
01:56 Having a Party Down the Hall
01:59 Feeling Alright (i am indeed)
02:15 A tune I know, but can't think of the name- something roses... Blood and Roses!
02:24 Outstanding station ID

Thanks for the show!

I may be crazy, but at 02:29, it sounds like a choral cover of an REM song, "Losing my Religion".
02:37 Comfortable Numb, but it doesn't sound like Floyd!
02:40 Nights in White Satin

Seems to be a theme of Gregorian/choral covers. Thanks!
Weak signal here on the banks of the big muddy. Seems to be clearest around 6925.65.

S8, but a little buried in the noise.

Very clear and strong along the banks of the northern end of the big muddy. Appropriate considering the songs all seem to be about water. Consistently +10 , SINPO 45455. Thanks for the show!
01:07 Love that dirty water

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