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Messages - HF DXER

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10/11 meters / 27.385 LSB Pirate
« on: October 19, 2024, 1843 UTC »
Patriotic pirate playing national anthem an other patriotic tunes at 18:43 UTC

I heard Mix Radio International Worldwide ID at 03:46 UTC followed by music.

Hearing Abba "Fernando" at 03:37 UTC
Nice signal into the west coast

Other / WWV on 25 Mhz
« on: August 18, 2024, 0445 UTC »
hearing the time station at 04:44 UTC in the west coast. This is typically not possible on this frequency at night.

I can see the signal on the SDR screen but can't hear the station in the west coast at 01:57 UTC

That was some definitely good dx skip on 11

10/11 meters / 27.385 USB Canada coming in
« on: August 17, 2024, 1437 UTC »
Lots of dx station at 14:36. Hearing lots of Canadians making it into Los Angeles CA (West Coast)

Utility / CWB Taiwan 8.117 USB
« on: August 17, 2024, 1410 UTC »
Im hearing the Central Weather Bureau meter station from Taiwan on 8.117 USB at 14:10 UTC. Asian female.
Located in Los Angeles CA.

04:46 UTC Jazz, guitar jam. very good signal into Los Angeles.

blasting into the west coast. Nice signal into Los Angeles at 02:50 UTC.

weak but comes up at times on the west coast (Los Angeles) at 03:10 UTC
03:16 hearing jazz music signal above noise level at times
03:35 UTC-Jazz music sounding much stronger. Signal improved

10/11 meters / 26.585 AM group having fun on the radio
« on: July 18, 2024, 2229 UTC »
26.585 AM at 22:27 UTC.
Usual characters from Central Mexico having a good time and weird noises during their open mic. Also music heard in the background when they open their mic.

Also 27.695 LSB is the "Latin" gathering hotspot. Lots of Spanish speaking stations calling on this one. Here in Los Angeles there are lots of powerful base stations transmitting on this one.

10/11 meters / 26.375. AM Central Mexico Weird noises
« on: July 10, 2024, 2050 UTC »
Spanish with Roger beeps and weird sounds on background. Sounds like its coming from Central Mexico at 20:50 UTC

I'm hearing a female dispatch with roger beeps in Spanish. Signal making it to Los Angeles. Definitely in the interior of central Mexico. At 18:45 UTC

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