0104 UTC Tuned in to an unid C&W version of "Dirty Deeds Done Cheap", then OFF
0106 UTC OM with ID "WFZY"..."coming to you from the east coast....trying to find a song here"
0108 UTC "Living On the Run"-David Allen Coe?
(A solid S9 signal with excellent audio!)
0112 UTC OM DJ with "WFZY...6969...Fuzzy Radio", into "I've Got Rights"-Hank Williams Jr
0115 UTC OM DJ chat..."Lynyrd Skynyrd fans in the house tonight?...WFZY...6969...Fuzzy Radio"
0117 UTC "I Need You"-Lynryrd Skynyrd
0123 UTC Pause or OFF? Or maybe the band went long and deep....quickly!
Thanks for the Skynyrd WFZY! I was hoping for some more!
Here's my recording...after a very brief bit of Dirty Deeds, there is a minute and a half or so of silence, then the broadcast kicks back in: