So, I *MUST* share what is probably one of my best SW logs to date. This will about blow your socks off!
Back on Saturday night/very very early Sunday morning local time (Sunday morning UTC) here at my McGrath, Alaska QTH, I had some real good central/south american reception on HF... so about 0953UTC I decided to tune across the tropical bands where some central/south american stations still reside.
I got to 4775khz and while I had CODAR Hammering away ((Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar), I also clearly had a carrier for something else at 0953UTC so I hit record and waited. .and boy was I rewarded!!
This is 1kw non directional Radio Tarma from Peru on 4775khz .. and despite CODAR hammering the piss out of it, you can very clearly hear the music and theres a commercial in my recording where you can make out the phone number. The recording gets much better 15 minutes in.
I swear if you listen closely, you can tell theres a carrier under the CODAR when my recording begins before the music kicks in 10 seconds later!
The picture is from the Radio Tarma SW Dipole antenna from the AM/FM/SW Transmitter site on the mountain outside of Tarma, Peru. The ppicture is from DX'er Don Moore's website where hes got alot more awesome stuff is my audio recording: use a 15 foot Wellbrook loop, DXE Preamp, EmTech ZM2 tuner and ATS25 Max Radio