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Author Topic: Radio Sultanate of Oman English program 13600 khz 3:00UTC  (Read 956 times)

Offline glimmer twin

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Radio Sultanate of Oman English program 13600 khz 3:00UTC
« on: September 24, 2013, 0439 UTC »
I keep the memories in my ATS909x stored in a very haphazard manner & I usually just use the page that I have labeled  "A13 GOOD" because that one & the following one have frequencies for stations in English at 3:00 & 3:30 utc, my usual dog walk time. Every night I tune through about 15 freqs  in the order that they are stored (1-9 on one page & 1-6 on the next page). This gives me a rough idea of propagation conditions. Anyway, I have had 13600 stored in the "A13 GOOD" page for a couple of months but never hear anything on it. I could have looked it up but decided to just keep checking it until the propagation gods smiled on me & I heard a station on there. Tonight as I tuned through the memories,  Turkey on 9515, Romania on 7350 New Zealand on 15720.... I found an English accented OM playing a sort of top 40 type show on 13600. The station eventually ID'ed as RSO. I could have just "Aoki'ed" that fucker 2 months ago but it was way more fun to just wait until I could hear it, knowing it was likely an English language service that is on at 3:00 UTC or else I wouldn't have stored it where I did. I really have more fun going old school with my dx'ing than when I use my SDR & immediately look up frequencies in SW Skeds or Aoki. I also heard good signals tonight from BBC (also via Oman) on 15365 & Iran on 13650//15470.
Sorry to get all rambly there , I could have just said: 13600khz  3:00z Radio Sultanate of Oman
KCMO  Icom R 75 , SDR-IQ, Grundig Satellit 750 ,Tecsun PL 880, Tecsun PL660 , Tecsun PL380 & PL360  10 meter random wire  w/ RF systems MLB    Alpha Delta SWL DX sloper  
qsl   keithglimmer810@gmail.com

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