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Author Topic: Radio Amee (R. China Int. in Albanian) 6020 AM 1923 UTC 14 JUL 2024  (Read 785 times)

Offline Ray Lalleu

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on 6020.00 strong
1923 pop, 1924 W voice in unk. language, 'radio AM', "Black velvet"

scheduled 1900-2000 UTC

from Fisherman :
I think at 1900 + Radio China International uses this frequency in Albanian and calls itself Radio Ejani
The earlier station at 1600 + was not CRI but a Dutch transmission with various announcements and adverts
CRI does not usually appear as early as 1600 on this freq

('ejani' not heard, Radio Ejani is the name of the FM station in Tirana)

« Last Edit: July 17, 2024, 2015 UTC by Ray Lalleu »
D/E/F/G/It/Sp : Dutch/English/French/German/Italian/Spanish
+/- : about 0.02 offset, ++/-- 0.03/0.04 offset
Balanced wire antennas, wire lines and ATU
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Offline Fisherman

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Radio Ejani operated or relayed by by CRI in Albanian is also audible on 7385 KHZ in paralel to 6020 at 1900 with a strong signal with various pop music.
Listening to Short and Medium Wave broadcasts since 1962 as a DXer. Nowadays I listen to 48 and 49 meters mainly for interesting stations. If you like to send me an EQSL my email is bkavana@gmail.com

Offline n2avh

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This made me laugh because Radio Tirana used to rebroadcast Radio Peking/Beijing until they famously pulled the plug mid-program in 1978 when Albania finally decided (after many years) that China had joined the US and USSR as imperialist powers.  Now they're back!
« Last Edit: July 22, 2024, 1816 UTC by n2avh »
Big into SWDX late 70s through early 90s, then forgot about it and when I returned via SDRs it wasn't at all what I remembered, but I'll deal with it. Grumble, grumble. All SDRs acknowledged, nothing is from my own radio.

Offline Paul B. Walker, Jr.

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This made me laugh because Radio Tirana used to rebroadcast Radio Peking/Beijing until they famously pulled the plug mid-program in 1978 when Albania finally decided (after many years) that China had joined the US and USSR as imperialist powers.  Now they're back!

How are they back? They arent using the Albanian transmitter site.. theyre simply targetting albania and i think theyve broadcast in albanian for awhile

on 6020.00 strong
1923 pop, 1924 W voice in unk. language, 'radio AM', "Black velvet"

Thge show

scheduled 1900-2000 UTC

from Fisherman :
I think at 1900 + Radio China International uses this frequency in Albanian and calls itself Radio Ejani
The earlier station at 1600 + was not CRI but a Dutch transmission with various announcements and adverts
CRI does not usually appear as early as 1600 on this freq

('ejani' not heard, Radio Ejani is the name of the FM station in Tirana)

The albanian service form CGTN is Radio e Jashtme e Kinës
Paul B. Walker, Jr.

Program Director: KSKO 89.5 McGrath, Alaska www.kskopublicradio.com

Afternoon Air Talent: Hits 106 KLMI Laramie, WY 3 to 7pm Mon-Sat www.myhits106.com

Available for voiceover work, use the email listed above!

Offline n2avh

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I meant that they're taking a specific interest in Albania, which would be kind of random except for their odd history.
Big into SWDX late 70s through early 90s, then forgot about it and when I returned via SDRs it wasn't at all what I remembered, but I'll deal with it. Grumble, grumble. All SDRs acknowledged, nothing is from my own radio.

Offline Paul B. Walker, Jr.

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I meant that they're taking a specific interest in Albania, which would be kind of random except for their odd history.

They also broadcast in esperanto..... which is even odder
Paul B. Walker, Jr.

Program Director: KSKO 89.5 McGrath, Alaska www.kskopublicradio.com

Afternoon Air Talent: Hits 106 KLMI Laramie, WY 3 to 7pm Mon-Sat www.myhits106.com

Available for voiceover work, use the email listed above!


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