They wanna help the AM band? Here's a novel idea- DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE RFI CAUSED BY THE DEMONIC IPHONE CHARGERS. If the FCC cares so much about the ensuring these products are safe, well then why can't they do something about these RFI machines? Plus, advocate am broadcasting! Encourage people to listen to AM, and get more interesting stations on the AM. More music stations, local news and most of all- NO NETWORK AFFLIATED STATIONS. MY god- there's 3 fox sports stations in my area, 2 CBS sports stations and 4 of the same conservative talk stations. I think we got sports and talk covered...
AM used to be the best radio band, and made DX'ing interesting. But now, whenever I pick up a new dx station, it usually turns out to be another useless sports station. I'm sick of it.