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Author Topic: Radio Insane E-Mail  (Read 1265 times)

Offline ByteBORG

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Radio Insane E-Mail
« on: July 07, 2014, 1216 UTC »
Got this last night in E-Mail from: yourradioisinsane@gmail.com

Any ideas on who this could be ?

I don't remember hearing an ID of theirs recently


Thanks for he HF posting!!!
Insane Radio well  Yep It's insane OK!!!!!!! Maybe we should leave as it is????
Wow how did this get twisted???
Hey again Thanks
Insane Wayne


Addendum: Never mind. All is clear now...
« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 1910 UTC by ByteBORG »
+ Always listening for that elusive RF...
+ microtelecom Perseus / FunCube Dongle Pro+ / FT450-D / FT101-D
+ RF Sys EMF  / RF Sys MLB w/Long Wire / HomeBrew Inverted "V" cut for 43 mtrs.
+ 73 & Good DX !!!
+ Please eQSL to: s<dot>csiki<at>comcast<dot>net


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