11/24/09 - Heard CCR version of "I Put A Spell On You" around 1845 UTC on 6925 AM, carrier seemed to be around 6924.9. Faded out after that, not even a carrier.
1913z: Drifted back in with various bits - a little metal, techno, Judas Priest "Breakin' the Law", intro to old WBNY show, James Brown, others.
1916z: Twilight Zone theme... if this is Captain Morgan it's the first time I've heard him during the day.
1918z: Brief bit from Radio Free Speech show.
1925z: Classic Duke Nukem Ventrilo harassment audio.
1929z: Crazy mashup of Ventrilo harassment audio, WBNY and other stuff!
This is sounding kinda like Outhouse.
1932z: Yup, Outhouse Radio ID