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Author Topic: QSL News  (Read 1353 times)

Offline Daniel Wyllyans

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QSL News
« on: December 28, 2015, 0720 UTC »
 QSL News

QSL Atlantic Radio 2000 International 7265 kHz
Atlantic Radio 2000 International, listened on 29-Nov-2015 between 8:00-8:59 UTC at 7265kHz via SDR Twente. eQSL received on 7-Dec-15 for report to atlantic2000international@gmail.com
Sandipan Basu Mallick / DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)

QSL Reach Beyond Australia 15340 kHz
Reach Beyond Australia, listened on 04-Dec-2015 between 14:45 ~ 15:58 UTC at 15340kHz. eQSL received on 7-Dec-15 for report to radio@reachbeyond.org.au
Sandipan Basu Mallick / DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)

QSL Happy Hanukkah Radio 6950 kHz
Happy Hanukkah Radio, Pirate Station, listened on 06-Dec-2015 between 13:28 - 13:43 UTC at 6950kHz SDR Twente. eQSL received on 08-Dec-15 for report to happyhanukkahradio@gmail.com

QSL Radio Studio X 1584 KHz
Radio Studio X, AM Stereo - Momigno, Italy - English/Italian service - Listened in Morrinhos, CE, Brazil, by DX-er José Maranhão, via remote receiver locatet in The Natherlands. Date: December 06, 2015; between 2325 - 2357 UTC, on the frequency 1.584 KHz (Medium Waves) - SINPO: 23222 (Medium interference detected) - Equipment utilized: Computer connected with Web SDR system (Remote receiver located in the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, and Antenna Mini-Whip, PAORTD) - Received e-QSL and cordial e-mail, in just 02 days after sent RR by email.- V/S: Il team di Radio Studio X - QTH: qsl@radiostudiox.it

José MaranhãoDX SOCIETY (The world of radio)

QSL AIR - All India Radio - Bangalore, India 9910 kHz
AIR - All India Radio - Bangalore, India - Listened in Morrinhos, CE, Brazil, by DX-er José Maranhão, in September 09, 2015; between 2245 - 2300 UTC, on the frequency 9.910 KHz. SINPO: 55444 (No interference detected) - Equipment utilized: Radio receiver Tecsun PL 660 and Antenna Long wire (12, 5 m.) - Received: Only QSL card by traditional mail, in 83 days after sent reception report, by email.- V/S: Director (Spectrum management & Synergy) - QTH: spectrum-manager@air.org.in
José Maranhão DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)

QSL RHC - Radio Havana Cuba 5040 kHz
RHC - Radio Havana Cuba - Bauta - English service - Listened in Morrinhos, CE, Brazil, by DX-er José Maranhão, in October 10, 2015; between 2345 - 0000 UTC, on the frequency 5.040 KHz. SINPO: 35333 (No interference detected) - Equipment utilized: Radio receiver Tecsun PL 660 and Antenna Long wire (12, 5 m.) - Received: Only QSL card by traditional mail, in 58 days after sent reception report, by email.- V/S: No V/S - QTH: radiohc@enet.cu

José MaranhãoDX SOCIETY (The world of radio)

QSL Happy Hanukkah Radio 6950 kHz
Happy Hanukkah Radio, Pirate Station, USA, listened on 12-Dec-2015 between 13:14 - 13:38 UTC at 6950 kHz via WebSDR at NJ. eQSL received on 13-Dec-15 for email to happyhanukkahradio@gmail.com
Sandipan Basu Mallick / DX SOCIETY (The world of radio)

RX: 📻  Malahiteam SDR DSP 5
 📻 TEF 6686
📻 Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium
Antenna: 📡  Delta loop DS Antenas & ghz
and 📡 Telescopic
QTH:  Serra do Roncador (Rural)
City: Nova Xavantina
State: Mato Grosso
Country: Brazil
Site: http://dxbrazilsw.blogspot.com.br
e-QSLs please to danielnx18@gmail.com


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