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Author Topic: V15 transmission 2016-09-29 16:15 UTC 3250//3320//6400 AM  (Read 1779 times)

Offline qsr711

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V15 transmission 2016-09-29 16:15 UTC 3250//3320//6400 AM
« on: September 29, 2016, 1659 UTC »
This is today's V15 transmission, which is a repeat from Sep 15th. So technically, only one message per month is sent.

Recording: http://priyom.org/media/174283/v15-3250am-20160929-1615z-byqsr711.ogg

Transcription: Agent no. 27
77-479 326-02 258-12 741-58 419-50 687-84 900-40 187-38 905-45 813-48
432-06 672-55 894-79 932-48 422-18 299-62 097-81 212-02 392-12 863-19
923-08 561-96 533-83 429-60 201-60 299-18 853-99

After a deeper analysis with audacity, the transmission lasted exactly the same, with the timing between numbers being totally equal, and the voice was the same too. Maybe prerecorded transmissions?


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