Hearing a very strong station at 2015 UTC + talking about operators on 20 meters "ruining it for the rest of us". Very strong signals, S9 to S9+30. "I look forward to having you on the amateur bands...you know there's no difference...the only thing is 10 meters is completely dead, you can go to 40 or 20 or 15, somewhere there's conditions...otherwise it's basically the same as 11 meter sideband".
"I hang out on 27.425 and 27.595" - talking about getting amateur radio licenses and the difference between the tech class license and the general class license and then the lack of difference between general and extra class licenses.
ID "1762 Todd" working "Dave in Atlanta". 1762 went QRT at 2020 UTC, and other stations started calling Dave in Atlanta (and 1762!) even though 1762 has gone QRT.