Radio Azteca
6.925 MHz AM 6925 kHz AM 20 August 2017
Tuned in at 1908 UTC to hearing a YL vocals, decent signal strength (S6-S7), nice wide 9 kHz wide signal and good AM audio with some noise bursts and minor fading.
1910 UTC - deep fade
1911 UTC - "Stayin' Alive" with signal peaking back up into the S6-S7 range. Deeper fades but really strong audio on the peaks.
1912 UTC - massive ute buzz burst QRM on 6925 kHz USB (the upper side of this AM transmission)
1921 UTC - hearing a SSTV signal mixing in with the music
1923 UTC - SSTV gone (PD90 mode) -
1923 UTC - mash-up with various songs, including "Down Under" by Men At Work, "Died In Your Arms Tonight" by Cutting Crew
1924 UTC - another deep fade
1926 UTC - minor SSB voice QRM, seemed to be chatter on 6928 LSB (possible pescadores) for 10 seconds or so
1928 UTC - yet another fade, signal is now down to S2, peaking at S3...but still readable
2040 UTC - still going strong, audio is same as before, nice and wide...still hanging around the S2-S3 mark
2042 UTC - BIG signal increase, watching on two remote SDRs saw signal jump up now back up to S7, S8 peaks. Nice looking audio on the waterfall on several Virginia remotes and an Ohio remote receiver
2050 UTC - signal dropped back down to previous levels...then continued to fade to S1 and barely readable levels
2119 UTC - Radio Azteca ID, followed by "Today's Top Ten List" - signal is back up to S6-S7 with same killer wide audio