15023 kHz USB 15.023 MHz USB - interesting accented Spanish, I think South American. Two OMs chatting away, using the "cambio" pro-word at the end of transmission. Good signals via the COMMSIGMA KiwiSDR.
1750 UTC - a third station comes into the mix, barely above the noise floor, the original station (first noticed while band-cruising on my lunch break) is still a good SIO 444. There's a possible 4th station at 1751 UTC.
UNID Spanish language net QSO pescadores on 15 MHz 15023 USB.
EDIT: Apparently this is part of the 15 MHz aeronautical allocation, however the communications I heard were not aircraft, and sounded a lot more like freebanders or fishing fleet communications often heard in the 6 MHz region (43 meters, etc.) only they're using a higher frequency (which would make sense, as the traffic was heard in the middle of the day).