« on: April 05, 2019, 2130 UTC »
Fairly strong signal. 1953 UTC launch based on the frame numbers and timestamps. It had already popped and started to descend by 2130 UTC tune in and was down to about 26.4 km altitude.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 2303 UTC by ChrisSmolinski »
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
eQSLs appreciated! csmolinski@blackcatsystems.com
netSDR / AFE822x / AirSpy HF+ / KiwiSDR / 900 ft Horz skyloop / 500 ft NE beverage / 250 ft V Beam / 58 ft T2FD / 120 ft T2FD / 400 ft south beverage / 43m, 20m, 10m dipoles / Crossed Parallel Loop / Discone in a tree