A couple of improvements that can be done to the Talking House / I Am Radio transmitter is to GND the master OSC crystal to chassis GND. That helps to reduce, but not eliminate, the PM (Phase MOD.), coming from that. Then, to smooth out the quality of the modulation and reduce the harmonics, run several GND braids from main PC board GND to the chassis. Mine sounded much cleaner, louder, and fuller, after that. No, it will not put out a more powerful carrier, that will stay a dead-nuts 20-some mW's. But, it will make that TX sound way cleaner. I wish that I could totally eliminate that PM in it. On a C-QUAM receiver, it drives that nuts going in and out of stereo. You can also hear that PM in SSB mode. Other-wise, my I Am Radio TX is a nice sounding AM mono TX.