One other note: Just WHY was the first original "4096 Cluster" Hexie beacon (with 1 sec dash - 4011 keyer/xtal. osc. to a 2N4427 p.a. based xmtr.) NAMED Hexie? !) 4096 is a hexidecimal number or something like that (2 to the power of 12) 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096... seems familiar, right...
and 2) !!! It was in lovely view of the HEXIE MOUNTAINS looming to the SW and south full of Pinyon Pines in contrast to our rocky bouldery high desert topography replete with lovely Joshua Trees and Creosote bushes in yellow bloom!
..."Let's name it 'Hexie' " said the inventor of the internet TCP/IP etc. etc. -- speaking to me in campfire light and good beer, on the evening after we had implanted Hexie on 4096.25 kHz (21 Dec. 1997) after going to a hardware store in 29Palms, CA and obtaining the antenna wire and parts the days beforehand... he brought the flexible panels and ASC charge controllers, and I had the tested xmtr. in the camper-van at White Tank CG/site 10/11... the third xmtr. made in Lone Pine of two others made in Marin County for the former Marin beepers near 4096 (ICM xtals, recall?).
God it was SO FUN! 73 de MB
oh yeah - approaching airliners to Palm Springs airport passing low overhead made the Hexie Beacon 2.5 miles distant do the Doppler-shift fading pattern familiar to FM DXers... plenty of short NVIS skip on those near solar max nights... at White Tank CG were we met many times to fix the darn thing... etc. - good history MB