FWR from K8RRT. Not bad INFO, but could have expanded to VHF / UHF propagation, like Tropo and Ducting, that happens more this time of year. Case in point, this weekend is the June VHF / UHF ARRL Sweepsteaks. Huh... Not much INFO there.
Additional 6/6/2023: While I'm at it, here's what I've added my $0.02 on Rover Operations, to a local group where I am.
" I did Rover VHF / UHF last, and solo, in 2006. A co-worker of mine, WB2GGM, had shown me his multi-band mobile set-up, with the Yaesu FT-857D. So, I bought one, and in time for the June 2006 VHF / UHF Sweepsteaks. The FT-857D was my SSB / FM rig for 2m, 2M, and 432MHz. A separate Kenwood TM-3530A was the 222MHz FM rig. And, I went from the corners of four Grid Squares, FN-11, FN-12, FN-01, and FN-02. The only group that I was able to work on all four grids was the Johnstown, PA VHF Group, on 6M and 2M SSB. Caught no one on 222MHz and 432MHz. Then again, I was using VERT OMNI antennas. It was a neat +7hrs drive and work, but the area was very rural, being Buffalo NW +75 miles, Rochester +80 miles, Erie 100 miles, Elmira / Corning / Ithaca +70 miles, and Pittsburgh +110 miles. However, the Johnstown Group kept their beams pointed my way, and even did a nice chit-chat with the group after 03:00UTC on 6M SSB afterwards from my then tower site in FN-12. If I had to do it again, I'd have someone else do the driving, and do it with a vehicle that wasn't manual transmission as well. (Hi-hi...) Other times, I was stationary with the CARA VHF Group, from Corning, NY Quackinbush Hill, or with the then N2HLT VHF Group, in the 1990's. 73!!!!"
Then, I added:
"However, if you don't have CW / SSB capabilities above the 50MHz FREQ's, there's always simplex FM FREQ's to check-out. However, it's still advisable to avoid using 146.520MHz National 2M Simplex, but all other are pretty much game, like 52.525MHz, 146.550MHz, 223.500MHz, 446.000MHz, 903.500MHz, 1294.500MHz, and above these." Who knows what you may hear.