on 6290.0- - frequency free tonight !
2004 music, talking, ID, 2006 OK to me, etc..., C&W
2016 Eddie Meduza, 2018 ID, talking to Fox 48 ...
2034 Yankovitch, 2037 Harry Brandelius, 2040 ID, ...
greets to me, to kris, "Son of a preacher man"
2049 "Don't close your eyes", 2052 some skit, 2053 Eddie Meduza
2101 "Ukraina ce mi", 2102 serenade
2106 polka Yankovitch, and greets
2108 "Don't worry about me" (title?)
2136 Teresa Werner "Dala bym ci dala"
(2215 gone)