2004 UTC Music weak in the noise-OM singer...I have it here as 6951.2 LSB (High noise level today!)
2008 UTC Unid song-OM singer (sounds like indie rock) OM with an altered voice spoke over the music...no luck on the copy)
2010 UTC Signal jumped up to S7! OM speaking over the music with mention of HF Underground
2012 UTC OM said something about audio reports. (I'll post my recording later on!)
2014 UTC Unid indie rock tune with op speaking over the music briefly
(2015 UTC OM mentioned HF Underground and "Solar Federation Radio" (Signal up to S9!)
2016 UTC Pause, then back on after QSY to 6953 LSB
2027 UTC Thanks for the shoutout SFR!
2035 UTC "Golden Brown"-Stranglers "Thanks for the recording" (You are most welcome SFR!)
2037 UTC (Love the crow cawing!) "Bullet and a Target"
2041 UTC OM says "gonna switch to our north Montana transmitter (Signal dropped from S8 to S4 peaks)
2049 UTC Op says name that tune..."Traveling Riverside Blues"-Led Zeppelin!
2103 UTC Short anthem like song (Queen?), then op with gmail address and "Good Night"
Here's a link to my recording from 2004-2017 UTC...audio is excellent when you cranked up the power!
https://drive.google.com/file/d/14xFHuq7ppJzMAvCEuQqd4jp3Y6IGalIN/view?usp=sharingThank you for the Saturday afternoon test! Audio is awesome!