LTO Radio heard in northern NJ with a good signal on 6925USB, 4 October 2013 from 0141 UTC tune in to 0206 UTC sign off. Heard a group chorus sing "Country Roads" at 0141 UTC. ID'd at 0143 by a male announcer: "This is LTO Radio." Signal noted to be suffering from either unsteady modulation or a heterodyne from another station, which was not heard here.
0152 UTC - ID "This is LTO Radio, your vacation guide." Nice female vocals followed, slow pace, not able to identify.
0157 UTC - ID "This program is brought to you by the government shutdown, this is LTO Radio," followed by a very nice C&W musical selection, may have been called "Going Home To Texas."
0206 UTC - final ID: "Good night everyone, it has been fun; FCC enjoy your time off. This is LTO Radio."
SIO=343, S6 dB signal with static bursts prevalent, but still a good signal here. Eton e1 using PBT + PAR EndFed Z EF-SWL antenna.
Does LTO stand for Limited Time Only Radio? (L...T...O)
Please QSL. Late posting, due to power outage in my area (due to government shutdown, too?).
Thanks for the great music tonight!
Edward Insinger