Still ongoing of and on. All HF bands have been pretty dead here all day with exceptions. This morning I could hear 80 and 40m with hams talking about having their coffee (as was I), but not great. 10m was dead all day and still. I could hear 11m at dusk, but as usual it's all west coast stations, due to back scatter. I did manage to catch a 20m station, also due to back scatter. Last night I could hear 160m coming in decent after dusk as well as a ham (N8OO) on 20m working the states and Central and South America. Haven't heard a pirate in a bit. If I don't see the 40m FT8 signals, not likely I'll pick up a pirate. Murphy's law since I just built the new mobius loop antenna and am eager to test it's limits. I guess I AM testing it's limits, right? It's OK. I just have to be patient for things to go back to normal.
So, after being all suspicious about the lack of normal signals, I found out that either one of my cats bumped the antenna connection on the WEB-888 SDR, or the SDR has a bad solder connection I need to rectify inside, or i need to fix my PL-259 on my coax. For now, I have all my signals again. Ugh... I hate to have to troubleshoot, but at least I can.