From the HCJB Kununurra Broadcast Technician:
*Broadcast Report 07/02/2014*
This morning's broadcast suffered lots of interruptions because of a combination of tuning problems and a rare case of transmitter control malfunction that inhibits proper alarming. We would usually catch this problem when working out there, but with the creek in high flood this is not possible.
* affected programs: Rawang (raw), Duhdim Nun (cnh), Hindi (hin), English (eng), Nepali (nep), Marathi (mar), Gujarati (gui)
* UTC lost broadcast time: 1 hour 50 minutes (0030-0220)
* target area: South East Asia
Via Shelley at HCJB Global Aust…………………..
For international DXers following this post, at this time of year the far north of tropical Australia receives its major rainfall - usually 100's of millimetres every week…..and the occasional cyclone. The place becomes awash with water! The creeks mentioned above become raging rivers! We hope Kununurra doesn't get washed away!

73's Rob VK3BVW