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Author Topic: Poetry with A-Train  (Read 2100 times)

Offline atrainradio

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Poetry with A-Train
« on: November 11, 2014, 0313 UTC »
Today, I bring you two poems from the cesspool of the human collective unconscious mind.

Had 'em

(originally written presumably by Ogden Nash)

And now...
An original composition.

"An ode to Brother Scare"
Oh Bro Scare, your voice as recognizable as the moon
You blanket the waves, and fill us with gloom
I do not care for you

I sit with my radio in hand, and Jack Daniels in the other
"God will he drop dead already" exclaims my mother
I really do not care for you

I went to my psychologist today
"I've been feeling odd the last couple days"
"How so" he questioned
"The voice of Brother Stair has taken residence in my mind"
"Maybe you should ease your mind"
"How can do I that, I'm really in a bind"
"Oops, five more dollars, you've exceeded your time"

Brother Scare, Brother Scare
You say there's evil everywhere
From the cracks in the sidewalk, to the dandruff in my hair
You plead to us daily, crying for us to care
But the fact of the matter is, I'd rather do calculus instead

When my girlfriend is with me
And I turn on my tecsun
There you are 'a preachin' on 7 different stations
Honeymoon and candles, red wine and some overcomer

So do us all favor
We'll even wave 73's!
Brother scare, oh brother scare
Sign-off already, go away to be found nowhere

I hear my train a comin
So now I take my leave
Putin and Kim Jong are visiting for new year's eve
Give me more subjects to describe
I shall blow you away, by my amazing word weaving
73's and 55's, see ya later, get high, let's all just bake a pie.

QTH, Queens
Tecsun PL-990 w/ outdoor FM omni and 40m dipole, RTL-SDR, Grundig Sat 750

Offline John Poet

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Re: Poetry with A-Train
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2014, 2250 UTC »
I like this.

You should record it and run it on your station,
if you haven't already done so...

The poem, I mean..

« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 0538 UTC by John Poet »

John Poet

"A treasonous voice of dissent"
"I love the smell of a hot Johnson in the morning..."

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Offline ka1iic

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Re: Poetry with A-Train
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2014, 0052 UTC »
brother scare....  I was tuning the bedside radio the other night on the BCB and what did I hear?  brother scare.... I shut the radio off and tried to get some sleep without a nightmare.... arrrrggghhh....

BTW... I will NOT listen to any radio station that plays that dude...  even the ones I may have supported in the past....
73 Vince

"If you can't be anything, you can at least be annoying"

Troy, Ohio. 20m Vertical & low long wire E/W, Yaesu FT-187ND, SDRplay 2, Ratt Shack 2 meter rig, and other little bits of electronics I'm not talking about, homebrewed and otherwise... so there bleech!


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