Tentative ID based on what I could pick out of the noise. I assume a relay by a North American Station? I just got a QSL from the station, it was direct from Germany, 300 watts:
http://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,27992.0.htmlSDR recording catch:
0251 Faint carrier first noted
0252 OM counting down, then into Billy Idol "White Wedding"
0256 YL/child talking then into another song "Mademoiselle Ninette" according to Shazam.
0259 ID by YL, into "Judy In Disguise"
0302 ID by YL and email address radioorion2000@googlemail. com into "Ca Plane Pour Moi"
0305 ID again by YL, into "You Spin Me Right Round"
0308 CCR "Hey, Tonight"
0311 "Whisky In The Jar" according to Shazam
0316 YL, into another song, too weak for Shazam to ID
0320 YL, and into Steve Miller Band "Jet Airliner"
0324 ID by YL, "It's the End of the World as We Know It"
0328 CW , but too weak to copy. Then off.
Started off SIO 111, got better, to about an SIO 333, then started to fade out near the end, down to SIO 222 or so.