Thanks to The Timekeeper for
Current Time Radio for an unexpected spiffy QSL package, received November 20. Sorry for the delay in posting, my hard drive crashed the day after I received this in November and am just now getting around to reinstalling everything.
"You sly S.O.B.! You fooled 'em all!"According to a note from The Timekeeper of Current Time Radio, this is QSL #1. I've never been much of a QSL chaser but I gotta admit, I'm tickled to receive this. My sincere thanks to The Timekeeper for the extraordinary effort.
Quite a haul of pogey bait: A digital atomic wall clock signed by The Timekeeper; two signed full data QSL sheets with a photo from
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest with McMurphy and Chief Bromden (the memorable Juicy Fruit scene); a proper pirate radio beer drinking glass, perfect for my Mickey's Malt Liquor; pirate radio and other stickers; and, in true enigmatic piratical fashion, a wad of Juicy Fruit gum. I'm not sure whether to bronze and mount it, chew it or stick it under the hydrotherapy unit before Chief tosses it through that window.
Here are the 2009 logs for those Current Time Radio transmissions, along with links to brief audio clips from each:
6925 USB
0420 UTC: "Test, 1, 2, test..." a couple of minutes of dead air, then "This is Current Time Radio" and "See you next time."
Loud and clear in Gopher Stomp, TX on the Palstar R30C with indoor fugloop antenna. The fugloop is very low gain, low pain, so if I can hear anything at all it's a darned good signal.
After listening to mp3 I could hear the op's voice in background, very faint, after "See you next time" sign-off, sounded like mic was still open.
Edited mp3 to come in a little while...
Okey-dokey, 40 second mp3 with a couple of seconds of ambient noise before you can hear op key up mic, then test transmission, followed by very faint background QSO that wasn't intelligible here:
5/18/09, 6925 USB
0036z: "Hello, radio" air check w/ Current Time Radio, first checking whether other station on air.
0037z: Announced current time, shout-outs to Evil Elvis, WEAK Radio and little ol' me for logging previous transmission.
See: 5/14/09, 0420 UTC and clear here in Gopher Stomp, TX. Good, clear audio, sounds like my VFO was mistuned by maybe .10 kHz or so.
90 second mp3, some minor "zzzt!" noise from my own electric oven, but not bad: