« on: October 01, 2020, 1747 UTC »
The stuff that Boomer has collected is now a really nice read, and info downloads! (And then some.)
http://boomerthedog.net/radio.htmlNow, probably the best on-line source for Carrier-Current AM operations. Not to mention AM C-QUAM Stereo via Part #15. Another good source is this page about James R. Cunningham,
http://lowpowerradio.blogspot.com/2015/11/low-power-am-circuits-of-james-r.html However, what I need to do is to make a good .PDF copy of the Ernest Wilson book - Carrier Current Techniques: The Wired Wireless Broadcasting, from 1979's Panaxis Productions. He shows you how you can build it all from the ground up.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2020, 2008 UTC by ThaDood »
Over the years I have to admit coming up with some no-so good ideas for products. The Skipping Cassette Decks, (In case you missed record skipping.), never took. Water Resistant Lollipops never caught on either, even though you could enjoy those in the rain and in the shower. Then, there's the Anatomically Correct Mrs. Butterworth Syrup Dispenser. (Just guess where the syrup came out of.) Nope, no takers.