Hey everybody. I could really use some help with DIGTRX. I downloaded it and used that com port trick I found here to get the program to open. The thing is that I have ZERO idea how to get anything to run. I'm using Windows 10, SDRSharp, Airspy HF+ Discovery, and a Youloop. I get the HM01 signals just fine actually (strangely, they are better during the day), I just can't get anything started on DIGTRX. I don't get the waterfall display or anything.
TBH, I'm not the best with computers...I tried changing the soundcard input and a bunch of other seemingly random stuff, but nothing can ever get me going.
I use MULTIPSK and Sorcerer just fine and can hear a ton of stuff, you know? It's just really frustrating to not be able to get this working. ANY help is HELLA appreciated!!!