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Author Topic: UNID MSardou 6974.8V AM 1538 utc 09 Apr 2021  (Read 481 times)

Offline Ray Lalleu

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UNID MSardou 6974.8V AM 1538 utc 09 Apr 2021
« on: April 09, 2021, 1557 UTC »
on 6974.8 V
1538 extra weak, around noise level or just above, with spitting UTs, 1557
on 6974.7
1805 music, still badly disturbed by strong spitting UT, no details so far, 1812
1836 music, strong UT

(1921 gone)

edit : calling it UNID MSardou, for help
« Last Edit: April 13, 2021, 0903 UTC by Ray Lalleu »
D/E/F/G/It/Sp : Dutch/English/French/German/Italian/Spanish
+/- : about 0.02 offset, ++/-- 0.03/0.04 offset
Balanced wire antennas, wire lines and ATU
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Offline RainBrandy

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Re: UNID MSardou 6974.8V AM 1538 utc 09 Apr 2021
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2021, 1743 UTC »
17.33 UTC still on with French chansons (most likely)
17.35 UTC new male choir sings, flute music
17.37 UTC Les Compagnons De La Chanson - Un Violin Sur Le Toit
17.40 UTC new chancon, male singers, maybe the same as above
17.42 UTC French chanson (sounded like from the Alpes)
17.48 UTC Male choir, tent. "La Mère" or "La Mer"
17.52 UTC song, male singer, guitar solo within at 17.53 UTC
17.54 UTC song, ....achetez?!, yihaah scream
17.58 UTC male singer , la la la
18.01 UTC Claude Barzotti - Madame "Au Revoir, Madame" (song by male singer in French)
18.04 UTC sign off and carrier gone here

Frequency was about 6974,74 here.
strong QRM by Utility station, SINPO 21321, I checked my recordings and got more details now!
Thanks for the records and please eQSL to my e-mail address. Thanks for the reaction in advance,
and if the OP is interested in my short recordings I will surely post them!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2021, 0724 UTC by RainBrandy »
QTH: NW Germany
RX: modified Sony ICF 2001D, Perseus SDR; KiwiSDR
ANT: dipole for 45mB
eQSLs highly appreciated! RainBrandy@gmx.net


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