Very good reception, Russian and French service (long time service I've heard a Russian service). In Oakland, CA using PL 880 with its wire. Music ID's by Shazam, service/broadcaster ID's by
It appears same music on both frequencies but different services, slightly off in timing with YL in respective languages between tunes.
9425 Russian service - good reception
1414 YL singing Korean song, Shazam ID-ed but with Korean characters
1420 "Magic Flight" Sycbat to YL in Russian
1425 Same Korean song as under French service
1428 "Not Too Late" Matt Stephens, piano instrumental
9435 French service - excellent reception
1420 "Magic Flight" Syncbat
1425 YL talking at length in French to Korean song
1428 "Not Too Late" Matt Stephens, piano instrumental