Often the idea on the lower bands is to optimize the receive signal-to-noise ratio due to higher noise profiles at lower frequencies. The idea is regardless of whatever other operators are using, you can not work them if you can not hear them.

You have the scenario right. Many HF ops use a vertical or inverted-L to transmit and a beverage or similar directional SNR-optimized antenna system for receive on the low-HF bands. Verticals can be great for transmitting DX on 160 and 80, but sometimes quite noisy on receive, especially is subjected to nearby manmade RFI.
Regardless of band, think about how many comparatively low-power and/or antenna-limited stations often can work much larger stations having stacked beams, curtain arrays, multiple beverages, etc. The smaller stations are relying on the larger stations to do most of the so-called "heavy lifting" for both transmit and receive.