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Author Topic: Space Shuttle Radio testing Saturday Jan 19  (Read 1270 times)

Offline DimBulb

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Space Shuttle Radio testing Saturday Jan 19
« on: January 18, 2013, 2254 UTC »
Received this email from Dick Skywalker at Space Shuttle Radio


Hello friends, testing transmitter and antenna on Saturday.
Frequency will be 15880 or if interfered some other on 15800-15880 area.
Transmitting mostly on usb-mode but might have AM time to time as well.
Times when most propably on air...
08-09 UTC Mediterranean, Asia, Japan, New Zealand
10-11 UTC Europe, India, New Zealand, Australia, South-America.
12-13 UTC Europe, Mediterranean, North-Africa, Australia, Central-America, North-America.
14-15 UTC Europe, Mediterranean, North-Africa, North-America.
Hoping there is some conditions available! Reports welcome to sopaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com.

Location: New Hampshire  eMail: dimbulb999@gmail.com


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