Really good signal, about as good as I've ever copied this numbers station. SIO 444.
Edit: what I copied. (For some reason my recording, though scheduled to run through 0137z, stopped at 0133. I made another recording of the 0140 UTC / 13425 USB transmission which was weaker.)
974 974 974 1
464 122 464 122
40654 70830 93893 64730 70847 97206 70820 99187 49139 06714 69614 43558 10141 89305 47723 30863 08299 50556 84716 11335 01455 75827 34732 61957 31439 96313 45788 30238 82515 54080 34894 61464 75887 17051 27893 66234 24121 35757 80898 35502 39061 94895 88663 01367 42032 67667 04378 26617 50224 53626 25714 05478 90492 27057 91123 23736 24824 20143 25153 55577 27024 87139 68672 15571 81752 79890 42323 40840 29336 63950 37582 97444 98912 06433 71595 46508 35097 66153 91373 61243 42719 91022 53589 47343 89214 90388 27233 85671 92521 78336 78484 21533 23664 50324 17727 25736 64806 23081 68474 24997 68237 84954 78663 46933 38591 03278 46152 30922 51053 80855 02907 19273 72702 28557 94105 23048 01312 77639 29003 76506 30899 18871
000 000
EDIT: after double checking with a video Token uploaded to youtube of this very same transmission, I corrected a few numerals (they're now in read - most were 6's (seis) that I heard as 3 (tres).